Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Conway and Baby Jesus

Nick, Carter and I had a very busy and fun weekend.  Friday afternoon around 3 we left for Conway.  We mainly went because one of Nick's good friends, Dennis, has a little girl that had her first birthday party.  Who drove all the way to Conway pulling a big trailer?  This girl.  Nick and Dennis played baseball together at Tech.  His wife Julie is the sweetest and funniest person.  I am glad that I got to see her too.  Anyways, when we finally got there we went straight to Brent's house.  Brent is Nick's best friend from their freshman year of college--they also played baseball together at West Ark College.  We got all of Carter's stuff unpacked and settled in.  When we pack for a baby it's like packing our whole house.  Brent found out real quick how his house can get taken over by toys and baby stuff.  We just stayed there the rest of the evening and talked and relaxed.

Saturday morning Nick and Brent went duck hunting and I went over to Brent's parent's house.  His mom could not wait to meet Carter.  I can't believe that we waited nearly 8 months to take him up there.  They are like Nick's other parents.  Mrs. Linda is one of the sweetest women I know.  Carter did great for her and said DaDa about 100 times and laughed the whole morning.  She was amazed at how he concentrates on the cartoons.  This is how he was acting:

Hadleigh's birthday party was at 1:00 that afternoon so I left Mrs. Linda's house at 12:00.  When we arrived at the party this is what Carter was doing:

And that is what he did for half of the party.  PARTY POOPER!!  Nick had several friends that were there that he played baseball with.  I am soooo glad that we went because Nick really enjoyed himself.  It was so good to see him have such a good time with all of his buddies that he never gets to see.

Here is the beautiful birthday girl.  She looks just like her mom!

Once Carter woke up he was ready to play.  He was smiling at everyone and so glad to get out of that car seat!  We were just standing there talking to everyone and all of a sudden we hear the "bucking bronco music".  It's the same song that we hum whenever we are bucking Carter on our knee.  Carter's little head turned around so fast when he heard it so we had to go over and check it out.  It was one of those bucking horses that go whenever you put a quarter in.  We put him on it and he went to town.  He was kicking his legs and it looked like he was spurring it trying to make it go faster.  It was the cutest thing and everyone enjoyed watching him.  I think he rode it about 6 times and would have rode it all day if we let him.  Nick was there in case he fell but he rode it all by himself.

After the party we went over to Dennis and Julie's house.  All of the other guys and their wives went too.  When we got out of the Tahoe at their house it was like seeing a bunch of teenagers.  There was literally nearly 30 year old men wrestling in the yard.  I guess they knew how to act at the party but just cut loose at the house.  All of the women and babies went in the house.

Nick and Dennis are so funny when they get together.  They mouth each other so much.  Nick has the upper hand every time though.  Anytime Dennis says something about Nick losing his hair all Nick has to say is "Well, that's okay because you will stop making fun of me when Carter is sneaking in Hadleigh's window in 18 years".  He makes Dennis so mad and he always shuts his mouth.  Dennis came in the house one time and saw Hadleigh and Carter playing together.  So when he walked over there he saw Carter playing with the bows that were on her booty.  He got in Carter's face and said "Hey, I don't like that one bit!!"  It was the funniest thing!

Carter got to play with Hadleigh's cool toys. 

Hello teeth!

After we left we went back over to Mrs. Linda and ate a wonderful dinner.

Sunday morning Nick and Brent went duck hunting again.  Carter got up a little early so he took an early morning nap.  He slept hard too!

I got to pack up our stuff and clean up Brent's house for him.  We left around noon to head back to Nashville.

Alright....what everyone has been waiting to hear about.  Carter as Baby Jesus and me as Mary.  It was very nerve racking to me because I had no clue how Carter was going to act....and we had to do the play TWICE and stay out on stage for 4 whole songs each time!  He has been very loud and talky lately so that worried me.  But, low and behold he did perfect.  He did have a babbling moment one time but it only lasted about 5 seconds.  It was a miracle because usually when he starts that he don't want to stop.  He sat up in the manger like a big boy and just looked out at the crowd and smiled for the most part.  During the second program he slept for the first two songs then sat up and smiled at everyone again.  My dad was in the play and when he walked by Carter during the second play he stuck his tongue out at him so Carter got all excited and started laughing and waving his arms.  Thanks Dad.  That got a laugh from the crowd.  Everyone I talked to said they never took their eyes off of him and they could not believe how good he was at his age.  My mother in law took pictures for me so when I get them I will post them for everyone.

Carter is no Baby Jesus but he is pretty perfect!

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