Thursday, December 8, 2011

Random Annoying Facts

I really didn't know what to post today so I just decided instead of talking about Carter today I would tell you some annoying facts about me.  Oh boy!

  • I'm addicted to online shopping.  All of Carter's clothes, shoes, toys, ect. come from online!  The stores always get me when they have free shipping.  Darn them!!
  • I would sooo rather watch a 30 minute comedy tv show than a long movie.  Will and Grace is my absolute favorite.  Karen and Jack are the funniest actors on the planet.   And something that I have started watching recently.....The Big Bang Theory.  I love dry humor.  Like Napoleon Dynamite...hilarious!!  And Everybody Loves Raymond--will never get old.
  • I get hiccups ALL THE TIME!!  I think there is something wrong...seriously.  My papa told me to eat a spoonfull of mustard to get rid of them.  I tried it, and it was brutal, but it didn't work.
  • I STILL rock my son to sleep and he is 7 1/2 months old!!  Am I crazy for that?!  I am such a softy and I can't stand to hear him cry.  He is only going to be a baby once so I guess I am going to let him stay one for as long as I can.  I also still sit and watch him sleep sometimes.  I am still so amazed by him just as much as I was when he was the first time I laid eyes on him.  He is just the most incredible little boy.
  • When I am driving in the car by myself or when I am at home alone, I sing and and dance like it is no body's business.  I get my hair brush, a pen, a remote...whatever I can find and use it as a microphone. In my fantasies I am a rock star that takes the stage!!
  • I hate the cold weather more than anything but my most favorite vacation is snow skiing. 
  • I think I'm a pyromania.  I think Carter is too.  We could sit and stare at a fire for hours.  It is really fascinating.  It changes colors---blue, orange, yellow, and red.  I love to hear the fire wood pop too!
  • Carter and I watch cartoons together and I actually like some of them.  Phineas and cute and actually pretty funny!
  • I workout all of the time just so I can eat as much sweet and fattening stuff as I can.  I should really be a lot smaller than I am.  I am going to start working on that!!
  • I wish I was tall.  Like 6'2" tall.  It get's reallllly old only being 5' 2.5".  I have to have a step ladder all the time in my house to get things from the top of a closet or the top shelf in my kitchen.
  • I am waaay over protective of Carter.  Well, to me it's not over protective.  But to others it might be.  You wanna see a crazy mom, feed Carter something off of your plate or take him outside without socks or a warm hat on.  I will cut you my friend.
  • I paid 5 dollars to a psychic one time and everything that she said about me that had already happened were true.  She said that I would get married in the next couple years and have a little boy first.  Both things have turned out to be true.  I won't tell you what else she told me.  It's kinda scary.
  • I miss Carter at night when he is asleep and not up smiling and looking for me.
  • I need glasses to see while driving and reading that I refuse to wear.

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