Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Guess What......

Carter slept all night last night for the first time in a very LONG time.  I feel like I could run a marathon.  I am so proud of him.  His second tooth finally broke through sometime yesterday and I am so glad that he got some relief.  I just hope he has a little break before the top two come in.  From what I have read, if adults had to have teeth come in, like babies, we would be in horrible pain and could not handle it.  Poor babies!!

Since I have been staying home with Carter, I have been eating like a big ol hog!!  I have GOT to get some self control about me.  A couple evenings ago, I went to Walmart hungry.  Worst mistake ever.  I grabbed 3 Hershey bars, a box of graham crackers, and some marsh mellows so I could make smores.  Then I went over a little and grabbed the double stuffed oreos.  Oh em gee!!  I went down the isle a little more and grabbed the salt and vinegar pringles.  Every bit of it is gone in just a matter of 3 days.  Holy moly!  I won't even talk about the two nights that Nick and I ate pizza.  As I am typing this I am looking at my Slim Fast sitting next to me waiting for it to thaw out.  I forgot it in the freezer.  I would like to think that this one Slim Fast will counteract all of the other mess I ate over the weekend.  Diet starts NOW!!  Many salads in my future.

Let's talk about the horses that were stolen in Magnolia.  I knew that they were stolen and that they were all found except one.  I read the whole story this morning and I had no idea that the horses that were found malnutritioned and that the other horse, Credit Card, was shot, throat slit, and cut up into pieces.  That honestly breaks my heart.  I think I would rather hear that had happened to a person instead of a horse.  I can't stand it when animals are abused.  I honestly think that I missed my calling.  I think I was set out to save abused animals.  If I had the time or money, that's what I would be spending my time doing.  I seriously think that the girl who stole the horses should be treated like a murderer.  That's what she is.  AMEN!?!?

Alright...something else that is really sad but I think that everyone needs a reminder.

I didn't want to put this on here because I know that no one wants to see this.  I was just going on and on about how much I ate over the weekend and I just take that for granted. I always go on and on about how Carter does not sleep well at night or how I really worry about him when he has a little fever.  I also really worry when he does not eat a full bottle because that is so unlike him.  I really take everything that I have for granted and that is just not right.  I am the main one that needed to see this picture and I am positive that I am not alone.  Look at that baby.  Carter gets a bath every single night and this baby probably has not had one in months.  I wash Carter's clothes even if they are on his body for 10 mintues.  This baby's shirt looks like it has never been washed.  I change Carter's diaper even when there is nothing in it.  This baby does not even have one on. Carter eats every 2 hours on the dot and this baby probably has not had food in 2 days.  I just want to take him home with me, give him a bath, cook him whatever he wants, and show him so much love. This is a real eye opener for me.  And what really breaks my heart is that there are millions of babies in this same condition.  God, be with them and thank you for everything that you have given me.  I am so truly blessed.

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