Tuesday, November 29, 2011

It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

Christmas tree up and presents wrapped and under it.  It's not even December!  It's an all time record for me.  I have about 5 more presents that are ordered that still have to go under there but guess what?  I paid the extra 3 bucks to have it wrapped.  Lazy much?  And I bought them yesterday on Cyber Monday so the shipping and tax is free.  Go me!!  I am done!!  I can't tell you what a good feeling that is.

A huge reason why I put the tree up early is because I could not wait to see the look on Carter's face when he saw it.  I just knew that he would just gaze at it and it be the best thing that he has ever seen.  He could care less about it.  He acts like it is not even there.  Go figure!!

Carter just finished his antibiotics yesterday and I still have a sick child.  Coughing, very bad congested, snotty and runny nose.  No fever yet, so that is a plus.  He had to get his second Flu shot tomorrow anyways, so I just decided to make an appointment to see the Doc while we were there.  FUN TIMES!!  I am sure the Doc is so sick of seeing us!  I know the nurse hates getting my messages.  I bet I call her every other day.  I bet there is a red flag on Carter's file saying crazy mom.

The next two weeks Carter is eating oats for breakfast and avocado and pears mixed together for lunch and dinner.  Everyone that I have told looked at me like I was so crazy and made a gross face.  He loved it more than anything that he has had.  Avocado is definitely that hardest thing to make so far, though.  Carter has not been a picky eater and I hope he stays that way.  Someone told me that since I am making him everything fresh, he will love everything when he gets older.  I sure hope that's true.

I started boot camp again yesterday.  I could tell that I had been off a week.  I struggled.  It felt good to be back though.  This time, it is 4 days a week instead of 3 so we can work around Christmas and New Years.  We'll see if I survive.  Not likely.

I get to have my butter ball with me at work today.  I'm excited.  I will get absolutely nothing done today but who cares!! :)

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