Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Catching Up

Hey Guys!!  I have been informed by my sister-in-law, Andi, and a couple others that I have been a lazy blogger.  My life has been pretty lame the past couple days.  I have been living out of suitcases for a couple weeks now and I am so sick of it.  I am usually not that well organized to begin with but not this bad!!  I have not blogged because they would have just been pathetic and lame.

I have not said much about Nick being gone, because I didn't want some crazy person reading and breaking in my house while he was gone.  But yeah, he has been gone on a hunting trip to Nebraska for the past 10 days.  I left before he did to California so he has gone without seeing his precious pride and joy for 15 days.  I would die.  I don't plan on spending that much time away from him until he has moved to college.  Maybe by then CCCUA will be a 4 year. 

Man have we missed Daddy!!!  Not only did I miss my sweet, loving husband but I also missed his help!!  My parents did so much more than what I could have asked for but Nick and I have our routine and a system that we like.  You just don't know how much the little things help whenever they are not there anymore. 

Let's talk about Friday night with my UCA softball girls.  PERFECTION!!  I got to spend time with Keafer and her family.  I loved each and every second of it.  Keatha and I had a blast in our own retarded way just like old times.  I also enjoyed the time with all the other girls that I have not seen in like 5 years.  We laughed and brought up old memories the whole time.  They all agreed that Keatha and I were the last ones that they would have thought to have children first....or ever for that matter.  I have got to say, it is really rewarding seeing Keatha as a mother.  It looks good on her.  She is such a good mommy!  Kade is one lucky little boy.  The softball game......wow.  Let's just say that I am definitely a has-been.   I popped up to the first baseman the first time at bat and hit a very slow grounder to the short stop the second time.  Keatha hit a grounder to the pitcher then struck out.  I tried to make her feel better and tell her that the 35 year old had a wicked drop ball.  haha!

Yesterday Mom, Aunt Gloria, and I took Mr. Carter to the Dr.  He has a cold that has been lingering for a couple weeks now.  Big heavy weighs 17 pounds.  Dr. King was surprised at how well he was sitting up and how strong he was.

Just a little update on Carter:  He is loving his food now, thank goodness!  There for a little while we thought he would never like eating.  His favorite is sweet potatoes, butternut squash, and applesauce all mixed together.  Sounds gross but he can't get enough of it.  It is all so easy to make, too!  Next week he will start to eat oatmeal every morning for breakfast.  He is learning how to travel and getting around pretty good.  He is getting into EVERYTHING!!  He is still getting up once at night for a bottle but we are about to start working on some sleep training.  He still loves his baths.  He still moves all night long when he sleeps.  His gums are so swollen and there are about 3 teeth trying to come in at once.  Poor thing.  He is wearing 9 month clothes.  While having a book read to him he turns each page throughout the whole book by himself.  That's pretty impressive, I think.  He loves watching cartoons.  He loves puppies and tries to pull their ears off.  His best friend/girlfriend is Ava Parker.

Another thing that is a must-talk-about subject.  My dad fell out of a tree stand last night.  He said that I could not put it on facebook, but never said that I could not blog about it.  It was not funny at first because he lost his memory for about an hour but after we know that he is going to be ok....it's pretty funny.  So feel free to call him or just laugh in his face.  I walk in the emergency room and this is what I see.

These other pictures are just random ones that I have taken the past couple weeks and sent to Nick.  He loved them but he said it made him sad because he missed him so much.

Dad singing to him before bed

 Big boy starting to crawl

In the hotel room in Conway

His Christmas present that we opened early.  When you hit and knock it down it pops right back up and it makes noises.  He LOVES this thing.

His walker that he loves

He is the most precious, perfect, happy, healthy, amazing little boy.

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