Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Scatter Brained

My mind is seriously blank today.  I have sat here long enough looking at this blank spot for me to type in.  So, I have just decided to type whatever comes to mind.  This could get a little messy. 

I am so excited about this weekend.  It's my softball Alumni game at UCA.  I get to see all my girls from when I played with them my freshman year.  We have so many amazing memories that I could never let go of, even if I wanted to.  I have got to get a softball out and throw it before this weekend.  My mom said that she would whip me back into shape....ya know...with her being the athlete that she is and all.

Most importantly, I get to spend time with my long time best best best friend, Keatha, and her precious precious precious pride and joy, Caliber Kade.  I just can't tell you how much I miss that girl.  All the time.  Gah, talk about some memories.  Our memories go all the way back to 8th grade.  That was 10 years ago!  It all started when I had a dr. appointment on a day when we were going to have to run a lot in athletics.  So Keatha, a girl I had said maybe 2 words to, invited herself to MY dr. appointment so she would miss the running.  Who did she think she was?  She told Coach Alexander that she had a "check-up".  Now that I know her, it really does not surprise me one bit.  That is soooo a Keatha move.  From then on out we were inseparable.  Really, it would have been better for her to have had her mail forwarded to my house.  I so wish we lived closer.  I do believe that we would have play dates every day.  8 hours away just in not cutting it.  Keatha, please move back!!!!  We have a Walmart!!!


Sunday I went home and did some serious deep cleaning at my house.  I worked for like 3 1/2 hours nonstop and if you walked in my house you would not be able to tell that I did anything.  Don't you hate that?  I organized closets and threw away stuff that I have not used in years.  It felt really good.  While cleaning I ran across a note card.  On the note card it says "I Catherine Jones somonley swear that I will weigh less than 160 lbs in five years.  I made this bet with Tonya White and Britni Funderburg (my roomates).  We bet 20 dollars each."  Then at the bottom they signed it.  Five years will be next year in November.  I got news for them, I will be 40 dollars richer.  I didn't even weigh that much when I was pregnant!  Best believe I put that little jewel in a safe place.

I am down to working three days a week now.  Oh happy day!  I work Tues, Wed, Thurs.  Three days on and four days off!  I still have to come by the hotel daily to check rooms and pay bills but that will take me about an hour or two a day.  That's more time to spend with my Itsy Bitsy!  My mom has taught him a pretty cool little trick.  She has taught him to turn the pages himself when she reads to him.  She says,"turn the page", and he does it.  I thought that it was just a fluke at first but when I saw him do it to about 5 pages I was pretty impressed. 

Carter has a date tonight with Ava  Parker!  We are excited.  I can't tell you how fast Ava is taking off.  She is crawling all over the place and pulling up and she will only be 8 months old on the 18th of this month!!  I am convinced that she will be walking by 9 months.  And on top of that, she just keeps getting prettier and prettier every time I see her.  Carter has good taste.  We sure missed them last week.

That's all I got today.  See ya.

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