Friday, November 25, 2011


Thanksgiving was so perfect and fun!!  I really enjoyed seeing all of my black headed (and used to be black headed) Jones family.  We all had a great time catching up.  Everyone was smiling and laughing the whole time.  It was a very tiring day for my Carter.  He was passed around the entire time.  I really don't think that there was a second when someone was not holding him and making him laugh.  Everyone just adored him and thought he was a happy and content baby.  He even showed everyone how he could turn the pages of his books by himself.  I think everyone was pretty impressed.  He loved all of the attention and never got fussy.  Mom and I were talking about it last night and he only cried once because when she took his shoes off to change him he kicked his heel and hit a hard metal piece.  Even then he didn't cry but for a couple seconds.  Aunt Cindy bought him a Santa suit and brought it to him.  Everyone wanted to see him in the Santa hat so that is what he sported all day.  He wore it well!! 
Great Great Aunt Carolynn

Cousin Leslie Ann

Great Great Uncle George

He is the baby whisperer

After we left my family, we went over to Nick's parents and had Thanksgiving dinner over there.  We once again had a good time.  After Carter's 10 minute pick-me-up nap on the way over he was ready to play.  It was really good to see Abbie, Neil and Nolan.  And it was awesome to see Uncle Keller.  Nolan is so precious and getting so big.  I just can't believe how our boys are growing.  I just know that he and Carter will be best friends.

Carter was so wore out when we got home that he was falling asleep while I was giving him his bath and I kept having to wake him up to finish his bottle. He slept all night for the first time in a very long time.

On a totally different note, I have something very interesting to share.  Ever since Carter has been born, everyone has said that he looks like a Jones or that he looks just like me.  I seriously bet that a total of 5 people have ever said that he looks like Nick.  When I got to Nick's parent's house his mom showed me this.  Sorry it is a little blurry, but it is an old picture.  Is that not Carter?!? 

I bet Nick carries this picture in his wallet so he can show everyone that tells him that he looks like a Jones!  It made Nick feel so good and he was pumped about it.

To completely change the subject again....
I have been coughing for about 4 days now nonstop.  Really.  My abs are sore from coughing so much, especially when I lay down.  I have kept Nick up for several nights.  Mom told me to put a thick layer of Vicks on my feet and put socks on over it and sleep like that.  I did and also put some on my chest and I bet I coughed three times.  I learned something!!

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