Thursday, November 17, 2011


Don't you hate it when your child is sick?  Last night was probably the worst night that Nick and I had with him since he was born.  I think that he slept a total of about 2 hours.  He had fever all night long.  I set my alarm and gave him his Tylenol every 4 hours on the dot and his fever never got below 101.  He did not want to be held, he didn't want to be set down, he didn't want a bottle, he would not take a paci....I was so stressed out and at the end of my rope!!  He has never been like that so I had no clue what to do.  So I set him in his car seat and he stopped crying.  Go figure.  He sat there for about an hour and got fussy again so I put him in his swing and he was happy for about another hour.  He went from his car seat to his swing all night long watching cartoons. 

Every time I gave him his Tylenol I had to suck and clean out his nose.  I dreaded it every time.  Nick had to hold his legs and arms down.  He is so dramatic when we do that!  He literally goes crazy!  It's like he turns into super baby.  He is so strong!!  There is no way that I could do it without his legs, arms, and head being held still. 

He has a very bad cold....very congested, very snotty, sneezing and coughing every now and then.  And he has a tooth that is about to poke through.  I felt it this morning and there is a definite hump and there are more that will not be far behind that one.

I can't stand it when he feels bad.  I would have rather someone cut off one of my fingers than see him go through what he went through last night.  And there is not a worst feeling than being a mother and having no clue how to make your child feel better.  I felt so worthless.

So, I skipped work today and we are just going to lay around in our pajamas and have a pity party.  I can't wait until he feels better so he can be his cheerful, playful, and smiling self again.  Plus, we can't see Ava and her parents until he feels better and we miss them!! 

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