Tuesday, November 1, 2011

First Halloween, Beach, and Aquarium

We have been on the go since we have been here.  We are loving every minute of it.  Carter is just going with the flow and not complaining!  Saturday evening when we got to my uncle's house this is what we opened the door to:
He goes all out for Halloween at his house.  Everything looks really awesome.  Right when we got to his house we dressed up in our Halloween costumes so we could go to my mom's cousin's party.  We had lots of fun.  There were great costumes.  Carter loved it.  Can you guess who I am?  If you guessed the worst Cleo Patra ever, then you are correct!  I forgot my Dalmatian costume in Arkansas so Mom made me this suit.  She did a pretty good job.  Say hello to the most precious tiger ever.  I will post more pictures from Monday night for Halloween.  My mom looked amazing!

Monday we did a little bit of shopping.  I think Carter likes being busy and on the go!   I have not bought me anything yet, because I have not found the to-die-for deals.  I have bought Carter a couple of cute books and some clothes that I found 50% off.  Carter has stayed happy the whole time but the only tricky thing is, is that he is still on Arkansas time so when 6:00 p.m. rolls around he is ready for bed and gets really sleepy and around 5:00 a.m. he is awake and ready for the day.  That is fine by me as long as he sticks to his schedule when we get back to Arkansas.

We went to the beach today.  Carter was so content.  He loved watching the waves, sea gulls, and all the people.  We took him to the Santa Monica Pier.  I remember going there with my Mema when she was alive.  Those are memories I will cherish forever.  I am so happy I was able to make those same memories with Carter and my mom.

Not the sweetest face you have ever seen?

Carter was able to experience his first aquarium.  He was a fan of this as well.  He loves fish tanks.


Sea horses

This here is a whale rib and vertebrae .  They were huge and really heavy!

This was on the way home on the freeway.  It was bumper to bumper.  Mom was driving.  Then the next picture is the cool palm trees that are around my Uncle's neighborhood.

1 comment:

  1. I love that picture of you and Carter both looking at the ocean! Glad y'all are having a good time!
