Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Uh Ohhhh!!!

My baby is starting to become not so much of a baby anymore.  Yall, I can't take it.  Yesterday he was in the sit up position and he saw something a ways in front of him that he wanted.  He leaned forward and landed into the crawling position and took about two little steps.  He has been trying for a while but has never figured out how to get his arms and legs going at the same time.  I give him another week and he will be ready for the baby races.  I guess Ava had a talk with him about it because she is a pro at it.  I give her about 3 more weeks and she will be walking.  That girl is just ready to go and very determined.  Say a little prayer for her parents :)

There are some good times in my near future.  My best friend, Aunt Holli, is coming down for a visit this afternoon.  She says she will be here around 1:00.  She seems to think that she will have Carter running by the end of the day.  She is such a good best friend and Aunt to Carter.  Every time she sees him she always has goodies to give.  I can't wait to spend some much needed quality time with her.

This evening I am going to a girls night in!  We are going to celebrate the up coming holidays and we are going to do it right.  Diets and all are going out the window!  I love my son with all my heart but I am really looking forward to a night without having to focus all of my attention on him.  Us mothers need that every now and then.  Have fun Nick!

Something that has never happened before....I am done with all of my Christmas shopping and it is not even Thanksgiving yet.  Every year I have a huge weight on my chest and have to buy last minute gifts that are not very well thought out.  NOT THIS YEAR!  I am very pumped about that and proud of what I have purchased.  Thanks goodness for the Internet and free shipping!!!  Can't wait to see the faces that open them.

Speaking of Thanksgiving....I am thankful for:
  • My son, of course.  He is very healthy and happy.  My prayer for him is that he has a love for the Lord that is unbreakable and he will live life to the fullest and accomplish all of his dreams.
  • My wonderful, loving husband.  He loves me so so much and would do anything to make me happy.  That is really something to be thankful for.  He loves Carter even more.
  • My perfect, all-powerful, loving, and caring God.  There is no one greater and without him, there would be nothing for me to be thankful for.  Thank you, God, for all of your many blessings.
  • Coke Zero.  No, I take that back.  It's tempting and evil.
  • My family.  I have two wonderful parents that would do anything for me and help me way more than what I ask.  I have two loving brothers that looks out for me.  They always have.  I knew even when I was young that I could walk over to the next playground and get them if I needed to.  Their wives are beautiful and caring and so glad that they are apart of our crazy family.  I have THE BEST Nana and THE SILLIEST Papa ever.  My Nana is most definitely my hero.  70 years old and still has a full time job.  And she works very hard at her job too.  I sure hope that when I am her age that I still have her determination and strength.  I would not change my Papa for the world.  He is perfect in my eyes and has always been my best friend.  I believe that he would do anything in the world to put a smile of my face.
  • My friends.  My best friends are many miles away from me and I don't get to spend much time with them.  But the good thing is, is when we do finally get together it's like we never left each other.  We just pick right up where we left off and I love that.  Some best friends I am not sure that I will ever see again but they will always having a safe place in my heart.  Love ya Kari Panno and Kelly Saksa!
  • Uncle Keller is back safe and just in time for the holidays.
  • My most comfortable bed in the world.
  • Lifetime, TBS, and Disney Channel.
  • The people that make jeans
  • Heat
  • Video cameras and pictures
  • Whoever thought of putting peanut butter and chocolate together.....genius.
  • My health
And the list could go on and on


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