Monday, November 21, 2011

7 Months and Thankful

Today is my precious, healthy, happy, beautiful, funny, bouncing baby boy's 7 month birthday.  Every month on the day he was born I make it all about him.  We play as much as we can and scream until we can't scream any more.  It can't be 7 months already!!!  It is so exciting and sad all at the same time.  He growing SO fast and becoming such a big boy!!  It's amazing to watch him grow and learn things right before my eyes every day.  He has been such a joy in our life.  I honestly don't think that I could have custom ordered a more perfect son.  Every day he becomes more of a little boy than a little baby.  Even when he gets up in the middle of the night, every night, for a bottle I am always stopped in my tracks and realize just how precious he is and how blessed I am to have him in my life.  If he knew how crazy I am about him, I think he would be amazed.

Richard Carter,

I love you more than you will ever know.  You are my reminder every day at how good God is and how he really does create miracles.  You are my little miracle.  I will forever be grateful for you and I am thankful that he has allowed us to have you in our lives for 7 perfect months.  I am looking so forward to watching you grow and learn.  I love how you have created your own precious personality.  You are just the funniest thing and I can't get enough of you.  As I am typing this I am reflecting on your 7 months of life;  from the day you were born until now.  It's really hard to think that you were ever 7 pounds 7 ounces.  Now you are over 17 pounds, learning how to crawl and pull up on things, and you have a tooth with one right behind. You have learned so much and I have loved every second of our little journey.  You will always be my baby boy, even when you are 40.  I only hope that someday I mean to you what my mommy means to me.  I love you baby boy.

Love, Mom 

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