Wednesday, November 16, 2011

So. Tired. Silly. Child.

I was giddy with excitement all day yesterday because I was finally able to pack mine and Carter's clothes back in the suitcase for the last time.  I was finally going home!!  I told Mom that I had a blast the past couple of weeks with her and that Carter would only be 4 minutes away from her (she got sad).  I could not wait to give Carter a bath in his bath tub, playing with his rubber ducky, rock him to sleep in his glider while staring at his blue dot on the TV, and putting him down in his bed.

After dying at boot camp, I picked him up at my Nana's and drove home.  When I got him out of the car and unlocked the front door I let out a huge sigh of relief because we were HOME!  It was such a good feeling.  I raised my arm to switch the light on and......nothing.  No electricity.  REALLY?!? I was livid.  Actually livid is an understatement.  I wanted to scream at the top of my lungs until my voice box ran out.  I called Dad first thing and told him.  I guess he called Justin because he came to my rescue and checked the breaker box and all that good stuff.  Justin called SWEPCO for me and they came out and looked at everything.  He is such a good brother to me.  Come to find out lightening hit our transformer.  Awesome.  So I had to pack Carter and all of his stuff back in the car and we headed back to my parent's house.  Mom was happy.

It gets better.....

I finally give Carter his bath around 8:30.  I made him a 6 oz. bottle like always and started rocking him to sleep.  He got done with that and still wanted more.  I made 2 more ounces.  He gulped that down and still wanted more so I made 2 more ounces.  Crazy baby ate 10 ounces and he still did not want to go to sleep.  He finally fell asleep around 10:00. 

Nick woke me up at 1:45 when he made it in from his long drive from Nebraska.  We talked for a little while and fell asleep.  At 2:30 Carter woke up wanting a bottle like always.  I told Nick that he could come see him if he wanted to because he had not seen him for 15 days.  Nick was so afraid that Carter had forgotten who he was.  Huge mistake!  Carter took a glance at Nick and smiled from ear to ear and got so excited.  He started kicking and laughing.  Safe to say that he remembered him.  He did not want a bottle or sleep at all and just stared and smiled at Nick.  Finally at 4:30 Nick took Carter for a ride in the truck and did not fall asleep until 5:30.  I had to be at work at 6:00.  We are sooooo tired!!  I'm sure Carter will sleep all day and be ready to go by the time I get off work. 

I guess that was Carter's way of saying WELCOME HOME DADDY!!

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