Friday, November 18, 2011

3 Bad Nights=1 Tired Momma

I am beginning to think that my child is nocturnal.  Tuesday night he slept a total of about 4 hours during the night and really didn't take long naps Wednesday.  Then Wednesday night he slept about 2 hours and took 2 naps that lasted about an hour a piece.  We just knew that he would sleep great last night, but noooooo!  The last thing that he wanted to go was go to sleep.  He had so much energy and just wanted to play all night long.  He sat up playing with his toys for at least an hour.  Nick and I could not hold our eyes open and we could not figure out how he was doing it.  He finally went to sleep around 10:00 then woke back up fussy at 11:15 and didn't go back to sleep until about 12:15.  He slept the rest of the night, though, after that.  He literally did not move all night, which is very unusual for him.  He usually tosses and turns from one end of the crib to the other all night.  I went in and checked on him about 6 times to make sure he was breathing because he was so still (I was watching him on the video monitor).  But a more fever.

On a different note, I bought mine and Nick's tickets to watch the Twilight movie with Cody and Callie Parker.  We are going tomorrow!  I love the books so much better, but I am excited about the movie.  And I hope I don't make any of you Edward fans cry but.....gag me.  I really think they could have picked a way better looking vampire than that.  He is possibly one of the ugliest actors ever.  Now Jake, I gotta give it to them.....they picked a good one there.  This will be the first time Nick and I have went on an actual date to Texarkana since Carter has been born.  Not sure we will know how to act!

I am very excited about the holidays coming up!!  My most favorite time of the year.  I can't wait to see Carter's face whenever he sees all of the pretty lights on houses and Christmas trees.  He loves ripping up paper so he will so enjoy the Christmas wrapping.  I told everyone not to buy for Carter this year because he is still too young to understand anything.  I have probably bought him more stuff than anyone.  I just can't help it.

When I was young some of my best memories were at Christmas.  My parents really did a good job at making it the absolute best time of the year for me and my cousins.  They had someone "play Santa".  Santa would talk to us over the CB that was in his truck before he came.  We would all pile in the hallway and wait for him to come.  We heard the thump on the roof and everything.  Then he walked through the front door dressed in his suit and with a huge red bag full of presents.  First thing he did was walk over to the milk and cookies and enjoy them.  Then he walked over to the Christmas tree and pulled out presents one by one calling out each of our names.  It made each of us feel so special.  It was the coolest  thing and something that I will never ever forget.  I thought we were so quiet.  I watched the video a couple years ago and we were literally screaming at Santa....haha!  After this year, I am going to have to ask someone to play Santa for Ava, Nolan and Carter and whoever else Carter becomes friends with.  I want them to have those awesome memories. 

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