Thursday, May 31, 2012

Another First

There is really nothing new going on with us.  Same ol', same ol'.  I am so in love with firsts for Carter because they are very rare these days but he did something yesterday for the first time.  It was so funny!  He fell asleep in his high chair during lunch.  He was in mid chew too!!  It really scared me for a second because I thought he had choked but I heard his breathing so I knew he was just asleep.

I should have known how tired he was because right before we ate lunch we had to get a little swinging in.  He couldn't even hold his eyes open then.

He was so tried that he took a three and a half hour nap.  He woke up in such a good mood!!  Laughing so much and smiling the rest of the day.

I am so happy where my life is!!  We have a beautiful home, a beautiful son, and a great marriage.  We also have great friends and family!  There is seriously nothing that I would want to change about where my life is.  It is very evident that Nick would go to the end of the world to make me happy and I would do the same for him.  We are so in love and I thank God all the time for blessing me with the beautiful family that we have created together.  It's not hearts and flowers all the time, but even when we don't agree with each other we make it an opportunity to learn more about each other and it always brings us closer.  I love Nick's imperfections and I sure hope he feels the same because I have lots of them.  He does more than his part helping me to keep our house clean and that really says a lot about a man in my opinion.  We love our son to the moon and back and then some.  I loved Carter from the first time we found out we were expecting him and that love just keeps growing and growing.  I can't wait to see what else God is going to bless us with!

Just thought I would share.  I never talk about Nick and I too much but we are happy as a lark.

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