Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Alllll BOY!!

We had a really good weekend.  Carter has gotten to where he does not want to be inside the house at all.  If we are inside he spends the majority of his time at the door to go outside, whining, and pointing at the door knob.  He is no longer wanting to just sit outside like he used to anymore either.  He either wants to ride the ranger with Daddy, ride in his wagon, or ride his little 4-wheeler he got for his birthday.  I have a feeling when he is big enough to open the door by himself I will never see him in the house.  TV just does not do the job anymore!!  TV used to be his favorite!!  The only time he wants to be inside is to either eat or sleep.  That's it.  He loves fiddling with rocks and playing in his sandbox he got for his birthday. 

And as you can see, he does not prefer to have any clothes on.  Ever.  He can get his shirt off over his head by himself now.  True story.  I am just waiting for this to happen in public or for him to figure out to how to take his diaper off by himself.  He is really getting a lot better about getting dirty.  I was a little worried about that for a second.  But he is filthy from head to toe by the time the day is over.  He is definitely all boy.  This little boy loves life!!  I am loving that he wants to be outside.  I prayed, after I found out he was a boy, that he would love the outdoors and be very active.  I really think that he is having trouble putting weight on because he is literally never sitting still.  Never.  He is always busy doing something and always on a mission.  I love it!!!  I have a feeling he will keep me young for a long time!!  I cannot wait until we can go swimming!!!

Carter is trying his hardest to say dog.  Every time he sees one he points to it and yells dog without the g.  He just makes the "do" sound.  So whatever he points to I usually say the word about 10 times and it seems to really help.  Repetition is key!!

Yesterday Nick and I worked our butts off at Southern Belle!!  We got the little things tended to.  I now understand why my mom and dad work as hard as they do.  When you work really hard and see progress being made then it gives you a good feeling.  It was like an addiction to me yesterday and I wanted to keep finding more stuff to get done.  I now have Carter taken care of during the week so I can do that every day and I am actually pretty pumped about it.  Monday-Aunt Toshya, Tuesday- my mom, Wednesday-Tonya "White" Stanley, Thursday-my mom, and if I never need anyone on weekends- Nick's mom.  I can't tell you what a good feeling it is to have such great people watching Carter. 

Here is something really sweet.  My mom has a momma goose on her pond in front of her house that has laid some eggs.  Carter, Mom, and I rode around her their golf cart and went down to see the eggs and this is what we find.

My mom had a fake goose with fake baby geese on the island part of her pond.  The momma goose put the fake babies in her nest with her eggs and she sits on them and takes care of them.  How precious is that?!  What a good momma!

I'm excited to say that my BFF Holli is coming to see me today.  It has been way too long since I have seen her.  I can't wait to spend time with her this afternoon!  I miss her so much.

I have got a very busy week ahead of me.  We are full at the motel all week long and it will be like that until summer ends.  So the fun begins.  Let's do this!!

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