Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Swimming in my Birthday Suit

A really big storm popped out of nowhere yesterday and knocked a tree down on a power line at our house.  So we had no electricity from about 6:00 pm through the night.  Since my high maintenance little boy will not drink his milk or eat his food cold, we had to go stay the night with my parents where there is a microwave.

Carter is still has to be outside every second of the day.  He demands it.  Even at 5:00 this morning he would not go back to sleep unless he was taken outside to the swing.  After Nick had swung him for about a minute he was out.  That little boy needs a serious attitude adjustment.  He was literally screaming and waking the whole house up.

Since he loves to be outside all the time, that's what we do.  My mom had got the bright idea to do this with him.

He had fun with it for a while, but it just was not cutting it.  So Mom had me run and buy this little jewel.

As you can see, he is going in for the kill.  And of course he decided to skinny dip.  He is going to be the crazy naked kid in the yard every day.  I was very skeptical at how he was going to like it.  The water was cold from the water hose so I figured he would actually hate it.  But......

He was most definitely a fan.  Does that smile not melt your heart a little?

I don't think we have to worry about him not liking a swimming pool.  The 8 bucks I spent at Dollar General for the most flimsy pool in the world was definitely worth all the fun he had that day. 

And as you can see he is really starting to fill out.  His skinny little legs and arms are getting to where they are not so skinny anymore.  And look at that belly!!!!! 

My dad loves to give Carter everything that he wants so this is what they spend their time doing when he is home.

After a long day in the sun, a big boy has to eat a big meal and that's exactly what he did.  Of course he has to eat on the cool Disney plate that Aunt Holli bought him.

Then it was play time.  Mechanic Carter had to make sure the fire truck was running properly, including the wheels.

Then before bed he has to snuggle up to his blanket.  This blanket is now his best friend before he goes to bed and when he wakes up.  He found it by himself and just got comfortable with it.  I never gave it to him becuase I wanted him to want it.  I really don't like the idea of pushing something on him knowing I would have to take it away from him one day.  So it has been laying in his crib with him since he was born and he is just now taking an interest in it.  But he does want it so I'll just go with it.  It is only before and right after bed though.  No going other places with it.

Sorry so dark-the lights were dim

He sits in our bed with us and watches a little tv until he gets sleepy and falls asleep then we put him in his crib.  Works for us!

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