Saturday, May 5, 2012


Nick has been gone to Missouri for three days so Carter and I stayed with my parents.  Carter had so much fun and I know that my parents enjoyed it even more.  They let him do all of his favorite things and even let him stay up a little late.  He is soooo spoiled rotten when he is when them. 

He loves to ride this golf cart that they have.  They take him down to the pond and around the whole neighborhood.  He just sits there and takes it all in and pointing at everything that he sees.  They are so crazy about this kid!

They make him laugh A LOT all the time.  Even when he is eating a snack.

They also let him watch all of his favorite shows on tv while drinking his milk.  I have just stared at this picture for a long time.  He is growing really fast right before my eyes and I am not in favor of this one bit.  He has really hit a major growth spurt the past week.  He is now in size 12 month clothes.  Last week they were falling off of him and now they fit him perfectly.  His feet has went up a shoe size and he can no longer stick 4 fingers in his mouth while eating like he used to.  If he grows into his hands and feet I'm afraid we are going to have a big boy on our hands.

Looks really long, right?

This 4-wheeler is his most favorite thing in the world at the moment.  He can't get enough of it.  He can get on and off of it by himself.  He will ride down the hallway and in the kitchen.  We have to recharge it every night for it to keep up with him.  He is most definitely ALL boy!!

  We went to the Peach Festival on Main Street in Nashville today.  It was very very hot and there were a lot of people there.  It was a really good turnout.  Everyone enjoyed Carter.  No one could believe how big he has gotten and how content that he is.  Everyone went on and on at how long he is, which made me happy.  He may be skinny but he has his length going for him at least!! 

Carter found a way to cool himself off
He kept reaching his hands in coolers and pulling out all of the drinks and ice and throwing them down.  Whatever works for ya, Carter!!

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