Thursday, May 17, 2012

I think it's time.  Time to give the big pool a try.  Carter loved the little plastic, flimsy kiddie pool.  Last night, Mom took him to the steps of her big swimming pool and let him play and splash around and he loved it.  So yes, it's time.  I have no clue how he is going to react to it.  I am praying that it will be a hit and he will love it!!  I plan on spending lots of time in that pool with him this summer.  The kid loves to be outside wayyyy to much for us to at least not have some water to cool off in.  I still don't have a bathing suit that fits me and Carter only has 4....but we'll manage!

Carter is still a garbage disposal.  He eats anything and everything that I throw at him.  Zucchini and yellow squash, and eggplant is currently is favorite vegetables.  His all time favorite is still peas, carrots, and asparagus though.  The meats we alternate for him are chicken, turkey, and pork tenderloin (white meats).  He is really liking stuff with lots of flavor so we are starting to wrap a lot of stuff in bacon while we cook it.  We take it off before he eats it, of course, but he loves the flavor it gives.   Fruit is still his favorite dessert.  I have tried to give him some bites of cookies or a taste of cake and icing but he won't eat it.  He don't like anything with a lot of sugar, which pleases me just fine.  He does like graham crackers pretty good though.  His favorite drink is apple and carrot juice.  He can't get enough of it.  Cottage cheese is still high on his good list.  I have found one thing that he does not like.....mashed potatoes.  I have even put gravy on it and he is still not a fan.  Maybe he will come around.  The amound that he eats is stupid crazy.  He eats a whole chicken/turkey pattie, two different full size helpings of vegetables, and about 2 handfulls of fruit.  And sometimes cottage cheese or homeade applesauce to top it off.  He loves anything pickled, too!  Whether it's sweet or dill, he is a huge fan.

Mr. Carter is free standing by himself and taking about 2-3 steps at a time.  He will only do it if he is not thinking about it.  Two days ago, while Mickey Mouse was on, he stood up by himself for a whole song.  Like 2 minutes.  He didn't even know he was standing because he was so wrapped up in that dang song.  Ever since then he is a standing little maniac.  Only took him 13 months but we're getting there!  Lazy bones!  He could be a full time walker if he was not so scared and cautious about everything.  His balance is great.  When he does take steps they are strong and not a bit wobbly.  He is just not keen on the idea just yet.

My boy doing his most favorite thing in the world, reading books.  He gets the books out himself and he will read every one of those books on the shelf at one sitting if you let him.  He will look at each page and when he is done with one book he goes right for the next one.  He just throws them to the side and grabs for the next one.  He does a have a few that are his favorites and he will read them several times before moving on to the next book.  I can hand him a book upside down and he will turn it the right way every time.  He knows the difference.  He also loves when I quiz him.  I will say where's the Cat?  Or Dog?  Or little boy? Or goldfish?  And he will point to them and smile from ear to ear.  He is so proud of himself!

Who says diapers don't make good pillows?

Alright, now we have to talk about something serious.  I am an addict.  In all seriousness.  I have a problem.
Caramel Frappe
It's my weakness and I don't even like coffee!!  Thanks to my best buddy, Keatha, I now have to have one of these every day.  It's like Heaven in my mouth.  When I am at work or sitting at home, I can't wait until I get to go into town and get one of these.  My mouth just waters uncontrolably until I get to this precious drink.  I really think I would pay 20 bucks for one of these and  not think twice about it and I don't even care how many calories are in it.  It's a cold drink that warms my soul.  Besides Carter, it is my biggest joy in my life right now.  Yeah, to say I have a problem is an understatement.  Don't try it.  You will be hooked, my friend.

I have been asked by my good friend AD to play some softball this weekend.  This momma has not played softball since my senior year of college in 2009 and have since had a baby.  I did play for a couple of innings in my UCA Alumni game and it. was. ugly.  Please pray that my competitive side don't get the best of me so I don't hurt myself and that I am not the cause of a lost game.

Today is bleechers and lunges day at the track.  Bring it on! 

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