Tuesday, June 5, 2012

A couple days ago we went over to our our friend's Callie and Cody Parker's house to eat.  We had missed them so much!  We went a good while without seeing them because either Carter or Ava was always sick.  Ava is such a crazy and funny little girl.  She is so smart!!  She is saying about 20 words and always laughing.  Carter says daddy and dog.....and that's it!  While Carter sat over playing with Ava's car, not wanting to be bothered and not making a sound, Ava was very busy entertaining us.  She made us laugh the whole time we were there.  She makes some of the funniest sounds and faces and I swear she has 3 different laughs.  I bet there is never a dull moment in the Parker house.

My Aunt Gloria gave me a juicer for Carter.  When she gave it to me my attitude was like, "who in the world has the time to make their own juice?  I can't even find time to fold the pile of laundry that has steadily gotten bigger the entire week."  But I decided to put my big girl panties on and first fold the pile of laundry and put away and then make my boy some juice.  It seriously takes no effort.  You don't even have to peel the fruit or vegetables.  Just stick it in the shoot and juice is made in about 10 seconds....with no pulp at all.  It's great.  I made Carter apple and carrot juice mixed together and he absolutely loves it.  Next, I'm going to make him kiwi and strawberry juice.  I know that will be an all time favorite.  It's actually a really cool thing.  And you know me, anything with zero added sugar and artificial colors and flavors is great to me.

Aunt Toshya cut Carter's hair yesterday.  A full-fledged hair cut.  I honestly didn't know how much hair he actually had.  A lot more than what I thought.  He looks a little different, but not drastic.  We cut so much so his hair will grow back in thicker.  He was asleep on me the whole time so it was a breeze.

Thursday we go to the Ear, Nose, and Throat doctor at children's.  His appointment is at 8:15 in the morning!!  So I think we have decided to just drive up Wednesday night and stay at a nearby hotel.  That will be easier on him and us.

I played softball again this past weekend.  We ended up placing 2nd in the tournament.  We didn't get done until about 1:15 a.m.  We had a blast, though, and I think we did really well as a team.  I am really enjoying playing again.  Nick kept Carter by himself all day and Carter decided to run a little fever.  I guess it was teeth, though, because it didn't last too long and it never got above 102.  I'm sure Nick was about to go a little crazy. 

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