Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Fab Weekend

Long time no post!!  We have been on the go a whole lot so I have not touched a computer in several days.  The best part about our weekend is that we got to spend time with Uncle Keller.  He is so good with his nephews!  Carter was a little skeptical about him since he had not seen him for a while but after he talked to him a little he loved him.  He was giving him kisses left and right.  I loved Keller being home because Nick finally had someone to entertain him (besides me).  They are both 10 year olds trapped in adult man bodies.  I can't wait until Carter is old enough to entertain the both of them.  I think they spent the majority of their time this weekend playing redneck golf with Nolan's little toddler golf club and a small plastic ball.....inside the house.

Yesterday morning AD and I worked out then I had to go to the hotel and do a little work.  After that we had planned on going to the lake but decided it may be a little too hot and crowded so we decided to swim at my parent's house instead.  Carter once again had a blast and loved every second.  He is such a little water bug.

One thing that we have learned about our child is that he loves to ride anything and everything.  From a small swing on the porch to huge machinery.  Since the vacuum scares him to death, you would think that a bulldozer would too.  But he rode it like he has done it his whole life and loved it. 

Carter had his first huge crash and got a pretty little knot on his forehead.  It about broke my little heart.

Carter has really been outgoing and happy for about a month and a half now.  We can't remember the last time that he has cried because he was not happy or threw a fit.  I mean, I know he will go through so many changes and our time is coming when the fit throwing will start but he has been all smiles!!  And the sweetest thing!!  He loves giving kisses and shaking everyone's hand and giving high fives.  I love seeing him so happy.  And I have debated on putting this because I don't want to jinx it but....we have had a very healthy boy for well over a month and a half now.  Knock on wood.  No fever, no constipation, no runny nose, no congestion, ect.  I think we have finally fixed my favorite boy.  I just can't tell you what a different baby we have.

Carter has finally learned how to open his Ziploc snack bag.....oh boy!!

Nick and I have a little climber on our hands.  Whether it be the couch, stairs, chairs, treadmill, fireplace....he loves it.  He gets himself in pretty big jams sometimes to where he can't get down.  But we have learned to let him think about it first instead of running to save him.  He usually figures out a way to get himself out of a jam.  He now knows to get off higher stuff backwards and he has finally learned to do it with a little grace.

When he does anything he does it full force.  He plays his little heart out.  From the time he wakes up until he goes to sleep at night he is going 90 to nothing.  He is playing so hard that he usually takes two naps and that is so unlike him.  He is finally sleeping all night for us and it's because he is so dog tired from his eventful day. 

He is still eating like a little pig.  Milk does nothing to fill him up.  He drinks about 3-4 10 oz. sippy cups of milk a day and at least 40 oz of juice/water.  He works so hard he has got to keep himself hydrated.

I really think that his Dr. will be really surprised when he goes in for his next check up.  I do not think he will still be in the 5-10% in his weight.  He is really starting to fill out and he is doing it pretty quickly.  I do think that is height is starting to slow though so I think that percentile will go down.  But, we'll see. 

Welp, that's the update on us and Mr. Carter.  Hope you enjoyed!!

Until next time.....

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