Monday, May 21, 2012

Weekend Fun

My weekend was really fun and exhausting.  Saturday I played softball all day.  I really enjoyed it.  So glad AD asked me to play.  I was a little nervous about  how I was going to do.  I did mess up quite a bit but I did a whole lot better than I thought I would do.  I got a lot of bites and scratches on my legs and my arms are sun burnt but it was all worth it.  Playing softball all day really brought back memories from the old days and it was nice to go back to that part of my life.  There were no worries about my house being cleaned or if Carter has been fed or changed.  I really missed him and it was the first time not to put him to sleep since he had been born but I'll live.  I was not too sad about it for too long.  A day and night away from being Mommy was good for me.  He did come and watch Mommy play one game but it was far too hot far him to be out there so they went home.  I had a great time playing with great friends so it was a lot of fun!!

Yesterday Carter and I took a long nap and skipped church....oops.  Not a good habit for us.  I wish I would have just sucked it up and went now.  But I was so dog tired.  After we got up and around we went to see and play with cousin Nolan.  That little man is a full time walker now.  No more crawling for him!!  I still can't believe that.  He is not supposed to be that big yet.  Surely he and Carter are not one are they!!??  I'm afraid we are going to have a big boy with Nolan.  If he grows into his big hands and feet he will take after his Daddy and be about 6'3".  Can we say All-American football player??  Carter for sure has a lot of catching up to do if he is going to be his size by the time he is 15 months old.  We have two totally different babies but they are both so sweet and perfect.  Can't wait to hear what both of them have to say.  I see lots of attitude related whippings in their future.  They both have one for sure!!  It's a Reeves thing I guess! :)

Well, I'm sure hoping Mickey Mouse keeps Carter's attention this morning so I can get some stuff done in the house.  It sure is in need of some attention. 

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