Thursday, May 31, 2012

Another First

There is really nothing new going on with us.  Same ol', same ol'.  I am so in love with firsts for Carter because they are very rare these days but he did something yesterday for the first time.  It was so funny!  He fell asleep in his high chair during lunch.  He was in mid chew too!!  It really scared me for a second because I thought he had choked but I heard his breathing so I knew he was just asleep.

I should have known how tired he was because right before we ate lunch we had to get a little swinging in.  He couldn't even hold his eyes open then.

He was so tried that he took a three and a half hour nap.  He woke up in such a good mood!!  Laughing so much and smiling the rest of the day.

I am so happy where my life is!!  We have a beautiful home, a beautiful son, and a great marriage.  We also have great friends and family!  There is seriously nothing that I would want to change about where my life is.  It is very evident that Nick would go to the end of the world to make me happy and I would do the same for him.  We are so in love and I thank God all the time for blessing me with the beautiful family that we have created together.  It's not hearts and flowers all the time, but even when we don't agree with each other we make it an opportunity to learn more about each other and it always brings us closer.  I love Nick's imperfections and I sure hope he feels the same because I have lots of them.  He does more than his part helping me to keep our house clean and that really says a lot about a man in my opinion.  We love our son to the moon and back and then some.  I loved Carter from the first time we found out we were expecting him and that love just keeps growing and growing.  I can't wait to see what else God is going to bless us with!

Just thought I would share.  I never talk about Nick and I too much but we are happy as a lark.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Fab Weekend

Long time no post!!  We have been on the go a whole lot so I have not touched a computer in several days.  The best part about our weekend is that we got to spend time with Uncle Keller.  He is so good with his nephews!  Carter was a little skeptical about him since he had not seen him for a while but after he talked to him a little he loved him.  He was giving him kisses left and right.  I loved Keller being home because Nick finally had someone to entertain him (besides me).  They are both 10 year olds trapped in adult man bodies.  I can't wait until Carter is old enough to entertain the both of them.  I think they spent the majority of their time this weekend playing redneck golf with Nolan's little toddler golf club and a small plastic ball.....inside the house.

Yesterday morning AD and I worked out then I had to go to the hotel and do a little work.  After that we had planned on going to the lake but decided it may be a little too hot and crowded so we decided to swim at my parent's house instead.  Carter once again had a blast and loved every second.  He is such a little water bug.

One thing that we have learned about our child is that he loves to ride anything and everything.  From a small swing on the porch to huge machinery.  Since the vacuum scares him to death, you would think that a bulldozer would too.  But he rode it like he has done it his whole life and loved it. 

Carter had his first huge crash and got a pretty little knot on his forehead.  It about broke my little heart.

Carter has really been outgoing and happy for about a month and a half now.  We can't remember the last time that he has cried because he was not happy or threw a fit.  I mean, I know he will go through so many changes and our time is coming when the fit throwing will start but he has been all smiles!!  And the sweetest thing!!  He loves giving kisses and shaking everyone's hand and giving high fives.  I love seeing him so happy.  And I have debated on putting this because I don't want to jinx it but....we have had a very healthy boy for well over a month and a half now.  Knock on wood.  No fever, no constipation, no runny nose, no congestion, ect.  I think we have finally fixed my favorite boy.  I just can't tell you what a different baby we have.

Carter has finally learned how to open his Ziploc snack bag.....oh boy!!

Nick and I have a little climber on our hands.  Whether it be the couch, stairs, chairs, treadmill, fireplace....he loves it.  He gets himself in pretty big jams sometimes to where he can't get down.  But we have learned to let him think about it first instead of running to save him.  He usually figures out a way to get himself out of a jam.  He now knows to get off higher stuff backwards and he has finally learned to do it with a little grace.

When he does anything he does it full force.  He plays his little heart out.  From the time he wakes up until he goes to sleep at night he is going 90 to nothing.  He is playing so hard that he usually takes two naps and that is so unlike him.  He is finally sleeping all night for us and it's because he is so dog tired from his eventful day. 

He is still eating like a little pig.  Milk does nothing to fill him up.  He drinks about 3-4 10 oz. sippy cups of milk a day and at least 40 oz of juice/water.  He works so hard he has got to keep himself hydrated.

I really think that his Dr. will be really surprised when he goes in for his next check up.  I do not think he will still be in the 5-10% in his weight.  He is really starting to fill out and he is doing it pretty quickly.  I do think that is height is starting to slow though so I think that percentile will go down.  But, we'll see. 

Welp, that's the update on us and Mr. Carter.  Hope you enjoyed!!

Until next time.....

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Best Friends

This blog is dedicated to my wonderful mom.  I don't know what Nick and I would do without her.  She is always there when we need someone to watch Carter for us so we can go do the things that we want.  They are best friends in every single way.  Carter smiles the most when he is with her.  They are so crazy about each other!!  She has taught him so much great stuff: turning pages in books, giving kisses, sharing his food, learning his flash cards, shaking hands (his favorite thing to do as of now), giving high fives, getting on and off the couch by himself, and the list could go on and on.  They are currently working on feeding himself with a spoon.   Carter has the best Mia ever!!  Here are a couple of pictures that I have taken the past couple weeks of them. 

Monday, May 21, 2012

Weekend Fun

My weekend was really fun and exhausting.  Saturday I played softball all day.  I really enjoyed it.  So glad AD asked me to play.  I was a little nervous about  how I was going to do.  I did mess up quite a bit but I did a whole lot better than I thought I would do.  I got a lot of bites and scratches on my legs and my arms are sun burnt but it was all worth it.  Playing softball all day really brought back memories from the old days and it was nice to go back to that part of my life.  There were no worries about my house being cleaned or if Carter has been fed or changed.  I really missed him and it was the first time not to put him to sleep since he had been born but I'll live.  I was not too sad about it for too long.  A day and night away from being Mommy was good for me.  He did come and watch Mommy play one game but it was far too hot far him to be out there so they went home.  I had a great time playing with great friends so it was a lot of fun!!

Yesterday Carter and I took a long nap and skipped church....oops.  Not a good habit for us.  I wish I would have just sucked it up and went now.  But I was so dog tired.  After we got up and around we went to see and play with cousin Nolan.  That little man is a full time walker now.  No more crawling for him!!  I still can't believe that.  He is not supposed to be that big yet.  Surely he and Carter are not one are they!!??  I'm afraid we are going to have a big boy with Nolan.  If he grows into his big hands and feet he will take after his Daddy and be about 6'3".  Can we say All-American football player??  Carter for sure has a lot of catching up to do if he is going to be his size by the time he is 15 months old.  We have two totally different babies but they are both so sweet and perfect.  Can't wait to hear what both of them have to say.  I see lots of attitude related whippings in their future.  They both have one for sure!!  It's a Reeves thing I guess! :)

Well, I'm sure hoping Mickey Mouse keeps Carter's attention this morning so I can get some stuff done in the house.  It sure is in need of some attention. 

Friday, May 18, 2012

Today was a busy and fun day for Carter, Mom, and I.  We have been outside all day long and Carter just rolled with the punches.  I will try and spare you as many details as possible.  So here are the pictures.

He has finally decided that grass is not going to hurt him and he can walk in it without shoes.
I meant what I said when I said it was time to try out the big pool.  Carter loved every second of it.  The water was really really cold so we had to ease him in slowly but once he got used to it he was all for it.  When we put him on the steps he would lung out toward us for us to catch him.  I was soooo happy!!  PLEASE ignore the picture of me!! 

 Cutest shark ever

Mr. Carter is getting more brave every day!!  He has learned to climb all the up my dad's massage chair.  He is really starting to try to climb on lots of stuff.  Makes me a nervous wreck sometimes.  He has stairs mastered.

That was pretty much our day in a nutshell.  I have one very tired little boy!!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

I think it's time.  Time to give the big pool a try.  Carter loved the little plastic, flimsy kiddie pool.  Last night, Mom took him to the steps of her big swimming pool and let him play and splash around and he loved it.  So yes, it's time.  I have no clue how he is going to react to it.  I am praying that it will be a hit and he will love it!!  I plan on spending lots of time in that pool with him this summer.  The kid loves to be outside wayyyy to much for us to at least not have some water to cool off in.  I still don't have a bathing suit that fits me and Carter only has 4....but we'll manage!

Carter is still a garbage disposal.  He eats anything and everything that I throw at him.  Zucchini and yellow squash, and eggplant is currently is favorite vegetables.  His all time favorite is still peas, carrots, and asparagus though.  The meats we alternate for him are chicken, turkey, and pork tenderloin (white meats).  He is really liking stuff with lots of flavor so we are starting to wrap a lot of stuff in bacon while we cook it.  We take it off before he eats it, of course, but he loves the flavor it gives.   Fruit is still his favorite dessert.  I have tried to give him some bites of cookies or a taste of cake and icing but he won't eat it.  He don't like anything with a lot of sugar, which pleases me just fine.  He does like graham crackers pretty good though.  His favorite drink is apple and carrot juice.  He can't get enough of it.  Cottage cheese is still high on his good list.  I have found one thing that he does not like.....mashed potatoes.  I have even put gravy on it and he is still not a fan.  Maybe he will come around.  The amound that he eats is stupid crazy.  He eats a whole chicken/turkey pattie, two different full size helpings of vegetables, and about 2 handfulls of fruit.  And sometimes cottage cheese or homeade applesauce to top it off.  He loves anything pickled, too!  Whether it's sweet or dill, he is a huge fan.

Mr. Carter is free standing by himself and taking about 2-3 steps at a time.  He will only do it if he is not thinking about it.  Two days ago, while Mickey Mouse was on, he stood up by himself for a whole song.  Like 2 minutes.  He didn't even know he was standing because he was so wrapped up in that dang song.  Ever since then he is a standing little maniac.  Only took him 13 months but we're getting there!  Lazy bones!  He could be a full time walker if he was not so scared and cautious about everything.  His balance is great.  When he does take steps they are strong and not a bit wobbly.  He is just not keen on the idea just yet.

My boy doing his most favorite thing in the world, reading books.  He gets the books out himself and he will read every one of those books on the shelf at one sitting if you let him.  He will look at each page and when he is done with one book he goes right for the next one.  He just throws them to the side and grabs for the next one.  He does a have a few that are his favorites and he will read them several times before moving on to the next book.  I can hand him a book upside down and he will turn it the right way every time.  He knows the difference.  He also loves when I quiz him.  I will say where's the Cat?  Or Dog?  Or little boy? Or goldfish?  And he will point to them and smile from ear to ear.  He is so proud of himself!

Who says diapers don't make good pillows?

Alright, now we have to talk about something serious.  I am an addict.  In all seriousness.  I have a problem.
Caramel Frappe
It's my weakness and I don't even like coffee!!  Thanks to my best buddy, Keatha, I now have to have one of these every day.  It's like Heaven in my mouth.  When I am at work or sitting at home, I can't wait until I get to go into town and get one of these.  My mouth just waters uncontrolably until I get to this precious drink.  I really think I would pay 20 bucks for one of these and  not think twice about it and I don't even care how many calories are in it.  It's a cold drink that warms my soul.  Besides Carter, it is my biggest joy in my life right now.  Yeah, to say I have a problem is an understatement.  Don't try it.  You will be hooked, my friend.

I have been asked by my good friend AD to play some softball this weekend.  This momma has not played softball since my senior year of college in 2009 and have since had a baby.  I did play for a couple of innings in my UCA Alumni game and it. was. ugly.  Please pray that my competitive side don't get the best of me so I don't hurt myself and that I am not the cause of a lost game.

Today is bleechers and lunges day at the track.  Bring it on! 

Monday, May 14, 2012

Warrior Dash and Mother's Day

I have had THE BEST weekend that I have had in a very long time.  Saturday morning I woke up at 6:00 a very very scared girl because I had to run my first 5k, along with obstacles, and I was NOT prepared.  I had the time of my life!!  It was so much fun!!  Warrior Dash is something that everyone should do.  I will definitely be participating in it every year.  Toshya, AD, and I stayed together throughout the whole race.  It was really hard, and I did think that I was going to pass out/throw up a couple of times but I made it.  The only time we walked was up the really really steep hills.  We ran all of the other times.  It was in the woods the whole time with the snakes and all.  Not a smooth straight rode.  I am really proud of us.  It gave me such a great feeling to cross the finish line.  The obstacles were the best part.  We had to climb over huge walls using ropes, slide down long fire fighter poles, swim in mucky water and jumping over flotation thingy's, crawling under barbed wire, jumping over fire pits, and crawling through mud.  There were a couple others too.  I am really going to try and do some more 5k's! 

The mud was or course the very last thing to go through.  So much fun!!

When I got back from the race around noon, Nick decided to take me to Texarkana.  We ate at Chili's, did a little shopping, and was going to watch a movie but everything was pretty much sold out so we went and played a round of putt putt golf.  I am really bad at that.  Really bad.  Carter stayed with my parents for the evening.  I got to be honest.  It was really nice to sit and eat quietly without having to break up food and entertain Carter for once.  It was the quickest dinner ever because we are used to having to eat so fast.

My Mother's Day was amazing too!!  We went to church and then ate with my family.  After that we decided to go ride 4-wheelers and rangers.  Carter had the time of his life and I had the time of mine watching him.  There will for sure be more Sunday's where we do that.
We let him sit in big church with us since there is some virus's going around for the babies.  Snacks, drink, and books are the secret.  He did great.

They are so gangsta

Time for a hair cut maybe?  He was driving by himself!

Had to stop and pet the goats in the back of someone's yard...haha

My Mother's Day Gift

And let me tell ya, that's a lot of love.

I turn my head for 2 seconds to pour myself a drink and.....

The kid is crazy!

I made these popsicles for my favorite little guy.  Kiwi and strawberry.  The little kit I bought just came with 4 so I am going to buy another.  No artificial colors and flavors and no added sugar!!  He can eat as many of these as he wants.  He loves them!!  He eats one to two a day outside when it's really hot.  You should try it!!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Yesterday was a good day.  Carter stayed with Cousin Tonya and Jared while Nick and I went to the hotel and did a little work.  Nick did the maintenance part and Dad and I worked hard on getting the swimming pool up and going.  It got hot quicker than usual this year so it snuck up on us.  But it looks really great!  New pool furniture and all!!

Nick kept Carter for me while I went and worked out.  So happy he is as involved with Carter as he is.  He does just as much if not more sometimes than me with him.  This is what I pulled up to after my workout.

Nick decided to finish baling his hay behind the house.  Carter was having the time of his life!!  He was pushing all sorts of buttons and steering the wheel as it was going.  He will be on the other tractor helping Daddy by the time he is 5.  Mark my words.  

Then after a long day of playing we got our bath and then had a little playtime before bed.  If he is not reading his books, eating, or riding his 4-wheeler, he is usually rolling something on wheels by hand.  He gets the whole truck and car thing.  He looks like a little 3 year old playing with some trucks.  He just gets it.  He takes his little trucks on all kinds of terrains.  Either a pillow, on the couch, along walls or cabinets, or even in his bath.

After playing for a while, we did what we always do before bed.....brush our teeth.  It is probably his favorite time of night.  He loves to brush his teeth.  Right when he sees me bring the tooth brush in the living room he crawls to me as fast as his little arms and legs will go with a huge smile on his face.  And after he is done, he has to brush my teeth and Daddy's teeth.

He does not actually stick the tooth brush in our mouth.  He will usually just touch our cheek or chin with it and wait for us to say thank you then he is done.  But he will not go to bed until he does that for us.  Such a sweet boy!  And most nights he will not go to sleep without the tooth brush and blanket being in bed with us.  He can be a little quirky sometimes!!

Today will be another great day!  I just know it.  I am really trying to think positive about the fact that AD, Jessica, and I are meeting at the track to run bleechers.  It is bathing suit season and Lord knows I need all the help I can get.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Swimming in my Birthday Suit

A really big storm popped out of nowhere yesterday and knocked a tree down on a power line at our house.  So we had no electricity from about 6:00 pm through the night.  Since my high maintenance little boy will not drink his milk or eat his food cold, we had to go stay the night with my parents where there is a microwave.

Carter is still has to be outside every second of the day.  He demands it.  Even at 5:00 this morning he would not go back to sleep unless he was taken outside to the swing.  After Nick had swung him for about a minute he was out.  That little boy needs a serious attitude adjustment.  He was literally screaming and waking the whole house up.

Since he loves to be outside all the time, that's what we do.  My mom had got the bright idea to do this with him.

He had fun with it for a while, but it just was not cutting it.  So Mom had me run and buy this little jewel.

As you can see, he is going in for the kill.  And of course he decided to skinny dip.  He is going to be the crazy naked kid in the yard every day.  I was very skeptical at how he was going to like it.  The water was cold from the water hose so I figured he would actually hate it.  But......

He was most definitely a fan.  Does that smile not melt your heart a little?

I don't think we have to worry about him not liking a swimming pool.  The 8 bucks I spent at Dollar General for the most flimsy pool in the world was definitely worth all the fun he had that day. 

And as you can see he is really starting to fill out.  His skinny little legs and arms are getting to where they are not so skinny anymore.  And look at that belly!!!!! 

My dad loves to give Carter everything that he wants so this is what they spend their time doing when he is home.

After a long day in the sun, a big boy has to eat a big meal and that's exactly what he did.  Of course he has to eat on the cool Disney plate that Aunt Holli bought him.

Then it was play time.  Mechanic Carter had to make sure the fire truck was running properly, including the wheels.

Then before bed he has to snuggle up to his blanket.  This blanket is now his best friend before he goes to bed and when he wakes up.  He found it by himself and just got comfortable with it.  I never gave it to him becuase I wanted him to want it.  I really don't like the idea of pushing something on him knowing I would have to take it away from him one day.  So it has been laying in his crib with him since he was born and he is just now taking an interest in it.  But he does want it so I'll just go with it.  It is only before and right after bed though.  No going other places with it.

Sorry so dark-the lights were dim

He sits in our bed with us and watches a little tv until he gets sleepy and falls asleep then we put him in his crib.  Works for us!

Saturday, May 5, 2012


Nick has been gone to Missouri for three days so Carter and I stayed with my parents.  Carter had so much fun and I know that my parents enjoyed it even more.  They let him do all of his favorite things and even let him stay up a little late.  He is soooo spoiled rotten when he is when them. 

He loves to ride this golf cart that they have.  They take him down to the pond and around the whole neighborhood.  He just sits there and takes it all in and pointing at everything that he sees.  They are so crazy about this kid!

They make him laugh A LOT all the time.  Even when he is eating a snack.

They also let him watch all of his favorite shows on tv while drinking his milk.  I have just stared at this picture for a long time.  He is growing really fast right before my eyes and I am not in favor of this one bit.  He has really hit a major growth spurt the past week.  He is now in size 12 month clothes.  Last week they were falling off of him and now they fit him perfectly.  His feet has went up a shoe size and he can no longer stick 4 fingers in his mouth while eating like he used to.  If he grows into his hands and feet I'm afraid we are going to have a big boy on our hands.

Looks really long, right?

This 4-wheeler is his most favorite thing in the world at the moment.  He can't get enough of it.  He can get on and off of it by himself.  He will ride down the hallway and in the kitchen.  We have to recharge it every night for it to keep up with him.  He is most definitely ALL boy!!

  We went to the Peach Festival on Main Street in Nashville today.  It was very very hot and there were a lot of people there.  It was a really good turnout.  Everyone enjoyed Carter.  No one could believe how big he has gotten and how content that he is.  Everyone went on and on at how long he is, which made me happy.  He may be skinny but he has his length going for him at least!! 

Carter found a way to cool himself off
He kept reaching his hands in coolers and pulling out all of the drinks and ice and throwing them down.  Whatever works for ya, Carter!!