Sunday, April 15, 2012


We have a different child this morning!!  He is feeling so much better.  This may be way to much information but he has been trying to have a BM for a couple days now and has been having a very hard time.  This is nothing out of the ordinary with him.  So I felt so bad for him and gave him a suppository. I can't tell you how much came out of that child.  It smelled up our whole house and he automatically felt so much better and had so much energy and his fever left.  I am just now convinced that is what is causing his fever this whole time.  His doctor made us an appointment at the children's hospital for the doctor that deals with that and he got to where he was doing so much better with it so we cancelled it.  STUPID US!!  But when he has fever all the time, he is usually constipated.  My mom talked to a local doctor yesterday in town and the doc said that would get a baby sick quicker than anything else.  I sure hope it is something as easy as that!!  Its definitly worth a try!!

As far as his foot, it is much better as well.  He can stand now and he will take a couple of steps then sit back down and he could not do that yesterday morning.  So I am just thinking he bumped it or twisted it.  I am no longer the crazy mom I was yesterday but I am NOT sorry for handling that woman like I did.  It felt good to let out some steam like that.  I am still going somewhere else to find another doctor.  His doctor's wife is a pediatrician at Ashdown and I have only heard great things about her.  I talked to his doctor about it and he completely understands if we go.  We really really love him but there are just lots of other problems that come with it there at Collom and Carney.  Our bill is usually wrong.  Once they had a whole other family on our account.  Ugh! 

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