Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Birthday Party and One Year Checkup

Carter's birthday party was a huge success!!!  It looked great and Carter and all his little friends and cousins had a great time.  We loved the room at the park.  I just hope they will let us have his party there from here on out.  All the kiddos had a great time running around on stage with all of Carter's new toys and wagon.  It was the perfect setting.  Carter had just woken up from his nap so he was in a pretty good mood for the most part!  I thought I would cry the entire party but crying didn't even cross my mind.  I had so much fun!!  Anyways, there are lots of pictures!! 

Aunt Abbie and Cousin Nolan

Aunt C and Uncle J!!

How beautiful is Ava?!??!!

Just riding around with my girlfriend!!

He was not having any of it!!

First cousins and best friends

Pretty Lainey
Opening presents

He LOVES this Mickey Mouse!  Thanks Aunt Holli!

This is his favorite toy

Present that we got him

The strawberries looked really good until my dad turned them over!!

I never got to see Keatha because she was chasing Kade the whole time!!!


Carter had his one year check up yesterday.  He did great.  He started to cry whenever he got his shots but it was nothing that some grilled chicken could not fix.  His stats:  Big boy weighed 19 pounds 10.5 ounces...10%.  Head was 18 inches....30%.  Length was 30 inches....60%.  He got a clean bill of health and the doctor said he was perfect....THANK YOU JESUS!!! 

He can now recognize 8 things on his flash cards: goldfish, baby, ball, dog, cow, bus, nose, and cat.  We took him to Nick's parents house today to show them and I think they were impressed.  Nick's mom put 5 down at a time and shuffled them all up and he still got everyone right that she asked.  We asked him where things were about 10 times and he got one wrong.  SMART BOY!!!  He did say fish yesterday while looking at the fish tank.  Besides Dada, that's the only thing I have heard him say.

Still no walking but he is just now getting to where he likes to stand again on his little foot that was hurt.  So I look for it to be any day and so does his doctor.  I can't wait to follow him around everywhere.  I love chasing him when he crawls and I know I will love to watch him waddle around walking.

He is SUCH a happy baby here recently.  He is finally completely healthy and he spends all of his time smiling.  He has kinda always been a happy baby for the most part but he had started to be a little more fussy than usual.  He is really coming out of his shell.  Yesterday he was giving kisses away to anyone and everyone.  He has NEVER been like that.  He usually can't stand other people he don't know real well.  I am so happy to see him getting out of that.

Everything is really starting to click in his head.  He is learning SO much so quickly.  After we brush our teeth together I will say "brush Mommy's teeth" and he will stick the toothbrush in my mouth.  I will tell him to "brush Daddy's teeth" and he will go over to Nick and stick it in his mouth.  He is starting to point at everything so I spend most of my days stating random objects.

He is still a huge fat PIG!!!  I can't keep him full.  The kid literally eats all day and drinks SO much milk.  He eats about 3 big meals and 2 small snacks in between and he drinks anywhere from 20-35 ounces of milk and about 10 ounces of juice with water.  Pig!!!  Yesterday, he ate a whole chicken breast and lots of green beans for lunch alone.  Sometimes I actually think he is eating too much for his stomach to hold.  But the doctor said that I should count my lucky stars.  He can't even understand how in the world he is so skinny.

We are still loving life and loving our baby boy!!

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