Monday, April 9, 2012

Easter 2012

Well, I just about starting crying the other day in Texarkana with my mom when we went to Sam's.  I went over to the baby clothes section just like I do every time I go there.  I think they have some of the cutest stuff.  I saw a bib that said, "My First Easter".  I grabbed it and put it in my buggy and I even thought, "this will be Carter's last first sad!" After walking around with it in the buggy for a while I realized that Carter was born 2 days before Easter last year.  So this Easter was not his first Easter and he will never have a first holiday as long as he lives.  I almost teared up and then realized that I at least still have his first birthday.  So I sucked it up and held on to that thought for the rest of the day.

We started off our Easter waking up late to get ready for church.  But we managed to get there on time.  We dropped Carter off at the nursery and just like every time before, he cried.  They have to give him special treatment to keep him happy.  So Carter got to go outside and watch all the big kids hunt eggs then went into another big kids classroom and watched them play.  Then he got really sleepy so they took him into a room all by himself so he could sleep.  So, even when he is not with us he is spoiled.  Becky Parnell is so crazy about Carter!!!

Whenever we got out of church we went out to a very dreary Easter Sunday.  It was raining pretty good.  So we went over to Nick's parents house and ate a very very delicious lunch.  We didn't get to hunt eggs outside, like planned, but we had a really good time inside with the boys.  Grams and Grumps got them lots of really neat stuff for their Easter baskets.

He loves his trucks!!

His favorite toy in his basket was this train. 

This is my nephew, Nolan.  Nolan decided to walk Tuesday and he is doing so great!!  I knew it would be any time!  We are so proud of him.  He needs to have a long talk with Carter about this whole walking thing.

Then we went over to my family's Easter at Aunt Toshya and Uncle Craig's house.  He got lots of stuff over there but since Nick was talking with all of the guys I had to either film or take pictures so I decided to film him open his stuff.  But Aunt Casey and Uncle Justin got him so much and Aunt Tosh and Uncle Craig got him a HUGE Easter bunny....see next picture.  He was so tired by the time we left Nick's parents so he had to take a power nap.

My family's tradition for every holiday is to decorate a holiday themed cake.  My mom made this bunny and we decorated it.  Turned out cute, huh?!?

I don't think we will have a problem trying to get Carter to eat his smash cake for his birthday!!

Then we had to take a break to eat some Cheerios and gold fish.....

And just for her pure embarrassment.....

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