Friday, April 20, 2012

12 Months

Because I will be running around like a chicken with my head cut off tomorrow......

Richard Carter,

Your due date was Wednesday, April 20, 2011.  That day came and I was still huge with no sign of labor.  We had the date set for me to be induced on April 26.  You had so many people that had their phones with them just anxiously waiting for that special phone call that meant "it's time." 

At 8:30 that night, while Daddy and I was watching a movie before bed, I felt a very faint cramp in my belly.  Nothing out of the ordinary so I didn't think anything about it.  About 10 minutes later I felt it again.  10 minutes later I felt it again and it felt a little stronger.  I still didn't say anything to Daddy because I just figured it was the pizza kicking me back from dinner.  Shortly after that we went to bed.  I laid there wide awake feeling these cramps come and go.  They kept getting a little stronger, but not really hurting, so I got out of bed and walked around a little bit.  I grabbed my phone and set my stop watch and they got to where they were 5 minutes apart.  I called Mom and let her know.  I expected her to totally freak out but she stayed really calm and talked to me about what I was feeling and what the timing was.  When the cramps became consistent for about an hour at 5 minutes apart, all while getting stronger and stronger, she told me to wake up Nick so we can go.  It was around 2:00 a.m. and I all but knocked him in the head to wake him up.  I told him and I expected him to freak out but he took his sweet time packing his bag for the hospital, because he could not have done it a week ago like I had asked him to.

We finally get to my parent's house to pick up my mom....she was waiting outside for us.  But then we had to wait a couple of minutes before leaving because my Nana was also going.  We drove the 50 miles to Texarkana in one of the worst storms that I can remember.  It was hard to see the road or even the car in front of us it was raining so hard.  Talk about nervous. 

We finally get to the hospital and they ask me about a thousand questions and make me fill out some paperwork and hooked me up to all kinds of monitors and low and behold I am in the early stages of labor.  By that time the contractions were actually hurting pretty good and they were 3 minutes apart.  I am not sure what time it was but they gave me some good medicine and I didn't feel another contraction and I fell asleep.  I slept hard too.  Mouth wide open, snoring, and everything.  They had to wake me up for the epidural and I went right back to sleep, then they had to wake me up and say...Ok Catherine, it's go time.  Words can't express what was going through my mind at that moment.  I could not believe that it was time.  I was finally going to get to hold my son.  My Pride.  My Joy. 

37 minutes later I got to see, hold, and kiss the most beautiful thing that I have ever seen in my whole life.  Tears of joy just came rolling and I could not fathom what I was holding in my arms:  A precious life that God, Nick, and I created.  You were perfect in every single way.  Honestly, you looked just like I pictured you.  Brown eyes, brown hair, dark complexion.  You looked just like all the Jones'!!  You came in weighing a whopping 7 lbs. 7 oz., 20 1/4 in., at 3:37 p.m.

Your Daddy was such a proud daddy.  He didn't know what to think.  He could not believe how small and perfect that you were.  He knew right when he held you for the first time that you two were going to be best friends and do everything together.  He just cannot wait until you two can go hunting, fishing, play catch, or do just whatever you will be interested in.  He loves you so much.

There were so many people that love you so much that could not wait to see and hold you.

 A year later and you are still perfect in every single way.  You look more like your daddy every day, though, and that is fine by me!!  You are so much fun!  I know you are going to be a funny kid!!  You are constantly making us laugh and you love it.  I am still just as in love with you today as I was when I first got to see and touch you.  You still stop me in my tracks when you smile at me or give me a kiss and it never gets old.  You know how to turn my yucky moods right around into a great one.  I thank God every day for you and I will never stop thanking Him.  You are a perfect example at how God does create miracles. 

As of now, you are not a fan of getting dirty.  Even when you eat pasta, you stay really clean or hold your hands out for me to wipe them down.  If the grass is a little wet or if the ground is dirty, you refuse to sit on it.  I blame this on your Uncle Craig, because he was this way exactly when he was your age and he still is.  I think you have just a little OCD in you....again like Craig.  You can't stand for anything to be sitting up right.  That's honestly how we got you to crawl.  We set up toys up a ways in front of you and you could not stand it.  To this day, you will crawl across a room just to easily set, not knock down, whatever it is on its side.  The silliest stuff still scares you.  The stuff that should not scare you does and the stuff that should really scare you don't.  You laugh at yourself all the time!!  You love to play by yourself and read books without anyone messing with you.  I love all of these things about you!  I just think it all makes up your perfect little personality that you created all by yourself.

I just want you to know now that I will always be here for you no matter what.  I want you to always know that you can come to me with anything...good, bad, or ugly.  I also want you to know our God.  He is so awesome and amazing and can get you through anything.  Turn to Him first.  He will always be there for you just like I will and he loves you far more than you can ever imagine.  There will always be people that will try to knock you down but always know that your God, Dad, and I will always love you for you.  You are very special and God has a very special plan for you--don't ever forget that!!  You are so amazing and smart, Carter!  You will excel and do great things.  I really believe that and I believe in you.  You make us so proud.  Thank you for being awesome!!  Happy first birthday baby boy!

Love, Mom

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