Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Answered Prayers

I started reading and really studying on Cyclic Neutropenia.  I don't know if any of you looked it up but it was some pretty scary stuff.  Words like Leukemia, chemotherapy, mouth ulcers, joint pain, injections, ect.  SCARED ME TO DEATH. I don't think I have ever been so scared.  I snatched Carter up and I held him so tight and just fell apart.  I had the breakdown of all breakdowns.  I honestly could not handle it at the moment so Mom came over and let me rest....and when I say rest I mean crying my little eyes out.  She stayed until about 2:00 a.m. with Carter then we let her go home.  It gave me time to get it together to take care of him like I should.  Nick, along with Tonya, Callie, and Abbie, assured me that everything was fine and to think positive until we know for sure. 

So Nick and I prayed hard and long for our precious baby boy.  It's just really really hard.  We have been nervous before about Carter being sick but never this on edge and scared.  But in mid prayer I realized that God does have a plan and his plan is always for the good and he really knows that he is doing.  His plan is far greater than I can ever understand.  So my prayer went from begging him to heal Carter to thanking him for the precious life that he has blessed us with.  And all of a sudden I just knew that everything was going to be okay.  I gotta be honest, as a Christian I have never heard God speak to me.  But last night he spoke to me and I heard him loud and clear.  So after our little chat I slept very peacefully.

At 9:00 this morning my phone rang and it was Carter's doctor.  He informed me that Carter's blood work came back perfectly normal.  His white blood cell count was at a 12 and normal range is like 7-16.  He also said that the chances for Carter to have that mean disease was slim to none, but we are still going to go back in two weeks to do more bloodwork just to make sure.  The doctor said that the symptoms are there but if it is not in his blood work then he does not have it.  He thinks it is weird that Carter gets fever without any other symptoms but it is possible for him just to get a virus every month.  Since he is only around me, Mom, and Nick and not around other small children then his immune system is down from those germs that kids usually get.  So when he is around other small children then he just get's viruses easily.  We are still going to run tests every time he gets fever just to be on the safe side.

If I could have, I would have given the doctor a big wet kiss on the lips for that news.  I may have to take out a loan to pay of all these doctor bills but my little one is worth it!!

Carter is feeling better.  He is starting to be more active and he did eat half of his breakfast this morning and lots of cheerios and puffs.  So things are looking up and I think we are about done with this little spell. 

Thanks for all of the encouragement and concerned texts!  I really needed the support.  Mostly, thanks to those of you that prayed for us.  They worked.  Love you guys!!

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