Thursday, April 5, 2012

Redneck Crib

Carter is feeling a whole lot better!!  No more of the yucky fever.  But just like every time before, he got spoiled a little too much and when he does not get his way he throws the biggest fit you ever did see.  So, again, it's time to get my little firecracker off his high horse and back to the real world.  I can't hold him all day long and he just does not understand that.  So when he comes over for me to pick him up and I don't, he throws his head back, arches his back and kicks his legs in the floor and starts screaming.  I just look at him and shake my head no and walk away.  After about 4-5 minutes of fit throwing he finally realizes that what he is doing is not working and he starts playing with something.

It's so funny because I used to be the little child that would throw fits in the middle of church with my dress up and showing my panties as I kicked and screamed because my dad would not carry me.  I actually remember my parents shaking their head no at me and walking right passed me and walking away.  I remember thinking, "they are really not going to pick me up!!  How dare they!!"  But my fit throwing eventually stopped because I realized I was making a fool out of myself.  I did not start my fit throwing near as young as 11 months though, so I have a feeling I'm in for it!!  But I can tell you that I am NOT going to allow or put up with it.  I will NOT be that mother that gets embarrassed everywhere we go.  So, Carter, might as well give it up Buddy!  It's not happening.

Carter has not wanted to be in his crib AT ALL since he has been sick.  He will sleep in a bed by himself all day and night but not his crib.  Such a strange child!!  So, since Nick and I are so sleep deprived and I had to be at work at 5:45 this morning, we had to compromise.  He would not sleep in his crib but we definitely didn't want him in bed with us so.....

That is my sweet son sleeping in the full size bed that is in his room caged in.  We have a tubs full of his clothes at the end of the bed and his crib beside it.   He slept all night like that.  Like, what's the difference?!?  He is still caged in, still by himself, still in his room.  But he has to learn that he is not always going to get his way so he is going back to the crib tonight and he will just have to throw another one of his fits until he falls asleep.  I feel for ya Carter!  Really I do.  And I love you more than life itself but it's my job to make you learn these hard lessons in life.  The world don't revolve around you sweet heart.

Other than his fit throwing and bad sleeping habits he is just perfect.  He is so super sweet when he is not in one of his moods and smart if I do say so myself.  And I just gotta say he is a tough little booger.  Through all of these sick spells he is still rocking and rolling like nothing ever phased him.  The only thing that the sickness has really phased is his weight.  The doc seems to think it is low due to all the sickness.  So we are pondering on putting him on toddler formula along with whole milk to bring it up a bit.  Not for sure...just pondering the idea.  Not that I would ever do this, but he said don't give him sugary stuff like cokes, ice cream, cookies, ect. to bring it back up.  He said that would be the worst thing I can do for him.  So he recommended the formula.

Here is my sweet boy when he was running fever

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