Thursday, April 12, 2012

Thoughts for Today

For some reason I woke up wanting to feel accomplished.  It's weird because me wanting to be accomplished never ever crosses my mind when my alarm goes off in my eardrum at 4:45 in the freaking morning.  I don't know if it is because I have worked out every day this week or what.  But I have decided that I really want to do something that will really make me feel accomplished and make me feel really good about myself.  When you have a baby, it's never about you anymore.  I never get to do things for me like I used to.  Being a mom is hard work and I know that in itself should really make me feel accomplished but being a good mom is not something that I have a choice about.  That is something that I have to do.  I mean, don't get me wrong...I love being a mom and I try to be the best that I can be but sometimes it's just great to do something for you that is hard work, doing it well, and doing it when you actually have the choice to do it or not.  I think its great to make a plan, work really hard preparing for it, put it into action, and being successful.  So, to get where I am going with this thought.....I think I have decided to prepare for a 5k race.  This whole thought may be a fluke and I may get way over it by tomorrow but I am having some strong feelings about it.  There are people out there that are in wheel chairs and would run a 5K every month if they could!  I just feel like I am really taking my health for granted when I am lazy.  I am doing the Warrior Dash next month so I am not completely worthless but that's a lot of obstacles that I will probably have to stop at some and walk or wait in line.  I am wanting to be able to just full fledge run the whole time.

I mean this is coming from a girl that has to literally make herself get on the elliptical trainer and do just 30 minutes of cardio every day....(which has not happened in over a week).  I got on the treadmill last week and was about to DIE in 10 short minutes of jogging.  Sad!  It would be very hard for me to get to where I can run a 5k without stopping but do you know how proud of myself that I would be?  That I actually did something that did not require any mommy duties?  That I actually did something that was solely for me?   It makes me SO excited just thinking about it.  There would have to be a lot of changes that I would have to make.  Getting more sleep, eating a lot better, drinking a lot more water, and of course running.  I think the only way that I would actually stick with it, is find a race that is in about 4-5 months and sign up and pay for it now.  If I pay my money, I would do it.  I don't like to waste my money.  Anyone else feeling accomplished enough to do it with me????  Come on!  I think I'll make my sister-in-law Toshya do it with me.  If I had to bet...she could probably do it now.


Carter's one year pictures are tomorrow and his party is a week from Saturday.  OHHHH EEEMMMM GEEEE!!!  Nervous wreck about it!!  He has been very very grumpy for a couple days now due to teeth.  They are horrible!!  I don't like that he lets them get the best of him but he does!  I sure hope they come through by party time.  I thought that he would be walking by now  LAZY BONES!!  He so could if he would just get brave enough to let go.  His balance is good enough now.  He actually does it by himself but he just has to have that security hold.  I look for it to be any day though.

I found another food that Carter loves!  Cottage cheese.  I gag a little every time he takes a bite because I think it's so gross but he thinks it's the greatest thing.

That's all I got today.  Got a lot of work to do today so I better get to it!!

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