Tuesday, April 10, 2012


Carter got his first haircut yesterday.  Haircut is actually going way overboard, because it should not even count.  But we did cut his hair.  He was having the old man look going for him.  His hair was growing pretty long on the sides and over his ears so his Aunt Tosh just snipped a couple of hairs on his sides and evened it out on the back of his neck yesterday after she kept him.  He is not one yet but it's alright.  We will live.  I didn't want hair coming over his ears for his one year pictures that are Friday evening.  That is one thing that is not sensitive to me for some reason.  Everyone wants to wait til their kids are one or think that they become a big kid after they get their hair cut but I don't agree for some reason.  If they need a hair cut...cut it!!!  But I may be the weird one on that one.  We got a certificate with his locks of hair on it an everything!!  I also filmed it.  Shortest film ever.  He sat there so still chewing on a comb so it literally took her 1 minute.

Carter is also eating off a plate at every meal now.  He is doing really good with it.  I thought I would have trouble with him trying to throw it down or something of that nature but he has not done it.  Or he may not have figured it out and his clock is ticking til that happens.  Either way we are ready for it!!  Next will be a spoon and fork (which we still have a while before that!).

He is eating scrambled eggs with cheese, fruit and yogurt on his Mickey Mouse plate for breakfast, while watching Mickey Mouse on tv.  I have also started separating everything on his plate.  When he was eating just on his tray I would just jumble it all up.  But now the vegetables have their own spot, fruit their own, and meat in another spot.  He picks the fruit out that he wants first.  Then moves to the vegetables that the likes the best (I always try to have a variety) then moves on to the meat.  After he is done with his meat he will then clean off the rest that is left.  When he has cleaned it all off I put more down.  I have read that a plate that is really full can be overwhelming for them sometimes and a plate with less stuff is more appealing to them.  Carter seems to like it better like that because he eats more when I do that for him.

His new two favorite veggies are yellow squash and asparagus.  It was peas and carrots.  He still likes them but he picks the other two first.  He really does not have a favorite fruit.  He loves them all the same.  He goes for the grapes first every time but I just think it's because he can pick them up the easiest.  He is now eating the Yo Baby banana or vanilla flavored yogurt with every serving of fruit.  It's a great source of calcium and protein.  It is also organic so of course I love that he eats it.  It is probably the only thing that I don't prepare for him.

We are starting to let him taste things that I have not made for him.  On Easter we let him try a sweet potatoe casserole with brown sugar and other spices in it.  He LOVED it so we let him eat a small helping of it.  I have asked, though, that we be asked first before anyone else decides to feed him something.  Strict, crazy, obsessed?  Probably.  It's alright though.  I just like to know exactly what he is consuming. 

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