Tuesday, April 17, 2012


My boy was amazing yesterday.  We got to Texarkana and stayed in the car while Mia went in and shopped a little at TJ MAXX.  He ate his lunch cold....and he was ok with that.  I am going to have to purchase something that can warm his food in the car or something.  He ate almost all of his lunch, which is a change from the last several days.  He has not been a good eater since he was not feeling all that great.  Then we went in for his doctor's appointment.  The doctor made us an appointment for the GI at Children's to take a look at why he keeps getting constipated and he took a look at his ankle and just said it was probably a sprain.  His foot is actually a lot better.  He is standing and walking on it now.  Not walking by himself yet but with us or hanging on to something.  Thank goodness!!  Fever is all gone.  After we saw the doc Carter had to get blood drawn.  He. Did. Amazing.  He barely even cried when they stuck him and he held very still while they drew 5 vials of his blood.  They are running lots of tests.  He did so good that Mia bought him a movie afterwards to watch in the car.

After drawing blood we went to Sam's so we could get the food for his party.  Again, Carter was so good.  My mom ended up buying all of the food.  I argued with her for a while about it but she really wanted to.  So thankful for her!!  Luckily for Carter, one of the food stands were giving out goldfish.  Carter chowed down and then fell asleep towards the end of our shopping adventure and stayed that way in his car seat until we got home.  He is now feeling 100% and I am so thankful!  He is back to normal Carter now.

Yesterday evening we ate at my Aunt Gloria's house and Carter ate really big!  Sweet potatoes, lots of peas, fish, carrots, grapes, and watermelon.  Now if only I can get him to eating 3 big meals again that would be great.  Carter loves his Great Great Aunt Gloria so much!!  They love to dance together!

I am going to workout today and then I am oooober excited that my long time best friend, Keatha, is coming over to eat tonight.  A night hanging out with her is exactly what I need to bring my stress level down a couple notches.  She lives way too far away from me and I hate it!!  I don't know if she has her hubs or not but I do know she has her son, Kade!  Yay!!  I can't wait to see the new things that little angel is doing and saying.  All I want to do with her is laugh til I cry like we used to. 

We have a lot of company coming and staying at our house for Carter's birthday and it is a total wreck.  Somehow I am going to have to turn Carter's play room, which is a disaster, into a bedroom again.  And I have no clue when I am going to have time to do it.  I mean, it's not really all that bad but I would love for it to be really clean for everyone.  But it just may not happen.  It has been a rough couple of months at the Reeves' house with Carter so the little things like dusting, mopping, scrubbing, ect. just have not been getting done like it should.  It's alright though.  Everyone will live.  This too shall pass.

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