Saturday, April 14, 2012

It's Always Something

We finally get to where Carter is well and really happy and feeling good and with a snap of a finger he is knocked back down again.  We were taking his one year pictures yesterday and all of a sudden he starts screaming and picking up his leg and would not set it down, put any weight on it, let us touch it, or bend it.  We give it a little bit and it did not get any better.  So we had to stop taking pictures and we took him to the ER in Nashville.  They took their sweet time getting us seen, but I kept my cool.  We finally get back there and low and behold he lost a little bit of weight which I did not like AT ALL!  With that being said, we are putting him on toddler formula.  Anyways, they took 5 different x rays on his foot and ankle and they said that they didn't see anything.  They wrapped his foot and sent us home.  He slept with us in our bed, of course, and I checked his fever it said 101.3.  Not too bad, but we gave him some fever recuding medicine anyways.  I called the children's hospital this morning to see what they thought I should do because he was running a little fever and his ankle as no better and still a little swollen and she said that she would get him seen.  I talked to her around 10:45

I knew about the Pediatrics clinic in Texarkana that was open from 8 to 12 today so I called over there and told the woman I was coming and to let them know so they won't lock the doors.  I flew over there with my flashers on and got there about 7 minutes til 12.  I bet you can't guess what we walked up to?!?!?  A locked door.  I showed my little butt.  I banged on the glass door and screamed.  Then I called the lady and told her to come open the door for me because it was not 12 yet and my child needed to be seen and we drove an hour to get ther blah blah blah.  I was screaming at her.  Screaming!!!  Then she had the nerve to tell me that if we were not there by 11:45 then they lock the doors.  I did a lot more screaming. She could have told me that before I left the house.  I got her name, then carried out the conversation telling her that since they do not care enough about my son to see him because we were 10 minutes late then we are going somewhere else.  And that her supervisor would be hearing from me and that I was going to do my best for her to lose her job....then hung up on her.

They told me that my options were to go back to the er...and wait forever...then if they hospital thought it was needed, then they would call a pediatrician to come look at him. thanks.  Been there done that last night.  My other option was to go to some other clinic in Texarkana...we call them and they don't see anyone under 5.  How dumb was that lady.  Seriously?!

So we get home and his temp went up to 103 and he has been sleeping all evening.  I'm worried about him.  Very worried.  I just hope it is not an infection that is causing the fever and not something that will travel up his leg.  We are going to keep a close eye on him.  We already have an appointment Monday with his regular doctor.  Poor guy can't understand that his little foot is hurting when he stands.  And when he is feeling better and wants down he tries to stand...a lot.  So we are just having to be in the floor with him and make him sit the whole time. 

So that's my news for today.  Just keep praying for my little guy.  Thanks!

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