Tuesday, July 3, 2012


Well, I knew that our days were limited until Mr. Carter got sick again.  I am so thankful for those two months of having him pain/sick free, though.  Wednesday during the day Carter started running fever.  I didn't rush him to the doctor like I do every other time because they hardly ever find anything wrong with him when he gets fever.  He still had it on and off Friday so we made the trip to Texarkana and he had an ear infection.  Of course, something would be wrong the time I don't rush him to the doctor.  Just my luck.  We felt so bad.  But we got some antibiotics and some ear drops that literally had to be God's gift to me.  He could be very very fussy and a couple of those bad boys down in his ear and he was a new child.  This was his first ear infection and he handled it pretty well for the most part.  We have not had to put the drops in his ear in about 24 hours so I am thinking we are in the clear.

So about the time his ear started clearing up he broke out in a rash all over his neck, back, stomach, and chest.  I still really don't know what caused it but my guess is heat rash.  He never acted like it bothered him, though.

We have watched a butt load of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.  Mickey is most definitely his hero.  He smiles from ear to ear literally the whole time that show is on.  He can't take his eyes off of it.  To say he loves it is definitely an understatement.  He watched a whole lot more tv than what we usually let him watch but that's the only thing that would keep him from wanting to go outside.  Thirty minutes to an hour is usually his limit.

He is still very interested in nature stuff outside (what kid isn't?).  He loves picking up and tasting/arranging rocks, picking up grass, playing in the dirt, ect.  Nick's parents came out and ate yesterday evening so they took him outside and pulled him in the wagon and rode the ranger.  He loved it.  His most favorite thing to mess with outside is our cattle guard.  He won't get the courage to walk across it, which would be a total disaster.  But he does try to crawl across it.  He can get about half way across by himself then needs help.

He has recently had a little growth spurt I think.  His legs are getting so long and looking thinner.  His torso used to be a lot longer than his legs but he is starting to even out.  He has gained over a pound in a matter of about a week and a half.  He weighs 21.5 pounds.  And as you can probably tell, his head is getting bigger!  Weird.  He has always had a small head and its really not so small anymore.  He is really getting strong, too.  He picks up and pushes things that should be really heavy for him.  He is very determined and hard headed....just like his daddy.

His appetite has really gone down.  He now eats the amount that he should be eating.  There for a while it seemed like he was eating as much as I was.  It made me worry a little but he is still growing great and I just need to chill out.  I worry way to much, but I am working on that.

Carter now has a new little trick that he has discovered all by himself.  He loves to play in the toilet.  Pretty gross, huh?  I walked in one day and he had my tooth brush and swishing it around in the toilet water.  How he got it, I have no idea.  I automatically wondered how many times he has done that and I have brushed my teeth afterwards.  Trust me, I was just as grossed out as you are.  Thanks goodness I had an extra one still in the package.

He is going to bed earlier!!  9:00 or 9:30.  It's not where I want it to be and it's just as hard as pulling teeth but we are getting there.  It's a whole lot better than 10:30-11:00 like it was.  I am aiming for 8:30 or 9:00.  Baby steps.

Carter can now get on and off furniture by himself.  Here is big boy in my parent's massage recliner that he get on and sits in by himself while watching tv.  When he is there, this is HIS chair.

Well, that's all of the update that I can think of right now.  We have missed outside and water park this week but we will pick it back up again.  We are sick of being cooped up inside the house!!

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