Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Bad Luck

We have not been able to catch a break in our house here lately.  I believe it started Wednesday when Carter decided to get really cranky and run a very high fever.  Long story short it lasted for about 3 days.  He was okay during the day and just miserable at night.  And when baby is not happy, no body's happy.  Monday at his check up his right ear was very red but not infected  yet.  So when he was tugging at his ear and running fever I knew he had an ear infection....which turned into a double ear infection.  So the good ol' doc called in some antibiotics which in turn gave Carter the runs and stomach problems.  Plus he didn't want to eat or drink anything.  But he is back to his normal ol' self pushing his truck, eating, and sleeping great.


Our air conditioner started acting funny Thursday night.  For some reason it would never shut off and it never really got our house cool.  I can't imagine what our bill is going to be.  So we called the air conditioner man and he came and did something to it.  Carter went and spent the afternoon at Nick's parents house yesterday, thank God, because while I was cleaning up his room a little I discovered that his whole closet (which is right beside the air conditioner) was flooded with water.  Mom brought her carpet cleaner out to the house to suck up the water, and it helped, but it didn't get the job done.  So Nick had to rip up the carpet and put a fan blowing on it.  I am thinking we are going to have to rip up the whole thing and put new carpet down because this has happened in this house before and that room has had one too many floods that it can handle.  So, Carter may have a new room before too long.  Nick brought home a fan that didn't have a cover on it so Carter had to sleep in our bed for the sake of him not amputating a finger.

.....But who's complaining?

Carter is doing new stuff every day and  he is getting to where we only have to show him something one time.  He can now drive his 4-wheeler all around the house.  I have not gotten brave enough to take him outside with it and let him roam but I'm thinking it's time.  He has not quite got down the whole turning and going around stuff but he loves to go full speed ahead in a straight line.  I'm thinking he is going to be your average country boy that loves to do stuff outside all day, which is great in my opinion.

Since we have gotten rid of the crib, I think Carter has decided to get rid of the high chair too.  He just don't want in it and eats so much better when he's not.  I think it's the fact that he does not like to be made to do anything.  When it's his choice to sit there and eat, he does it just fine.  When he has the choice to get in and out of bed as he pleases, he sleeps all night.  I love my stubborn child.

I am starting to loosen up a little bit on things that he eats.  I am starting to give him red meat now....something to put a little meat on his bones.  So I made him meatballs yesterday and today he is eating a hamburger patty with cheese and ketchup.  He loved the meatballs and I'm really not sure how he will like the hamburger.  I won't give him that stuff just too often but every now and then won't kill him....maybe once or twice a week or so.

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