Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Lake Fun and 15 Month Checkup

This blog will have the potential to be very long and drawn out but I will try as hard as I can to spare you all of the minor details.

I just can't tell you how proud I am of my son.  It is really all Nick and I have talked about since we got back from his best friend's family's lake house.  Carter did so good in every way possible.  He ate very good the whole weekend.  That's really nothing too new for him but I figured new place, new people,  new routine....I thought it would have him a little shaken up and take a toll on his appetite.  He was very well behaved and for the most part, outgoing, with the people that he don't get to see but once every 3-4 months.  And if you know Carter, that's growth!!  He also slept very good, which it was with me so it really don't count.

Saturday was when I was the most proud of him.  We went out on the lake around 2:30.  Nick and I had warned the Brainerd's that we would probably have to come back to the lakehouse in about an hour because it was so hot and Carter just can't take the heat.  Carter played on the boat for a long time, ate his lunch, and then wanted in the water with Daddy.  He had the time of his life!  He never whined about being hot or sleepy and just did his own thing.  He actually saw Nick in the water and just kinda leaned over the side without even thinking twice.  If someone was not there to catch him he was going in.  Carter the fearless!  That scares me to death and I am going to try my hardest to teach him to swim ASAP!!  Needless to say I was on him like glue the entire time. 

  Around 5:30, after everyone was water-logged, we headed in.  Carter wobbled to the front of the boat to stand at the gate (that's his spot when the barge was moving) and the day wore him out so bad he was falling asleep standing up....literally.  So right when we got back to the house he fell asleep and slept until 10:00.  I tried several times to wake him up for dinner and a bath but he was not having it.  So when he woke up he was rared and ready to play and everyone else was ready to go to sleep....great.  So he ate dinner and took a quick bath and I moved all of his toys to the small room that we slept in.  Carter was a wild child and screaming and laughing.  All of a sudden he was obsessed with his toy balls and would not put them down for nothing.

Loving on Mickey Mouse while holding his toy balls.

Even after I thought he was good and alseep I tried to take them out of his hand and he woke right up looking for them.  Finally at 3:00 a.m. I was able to pry them from him.

So, that in a nutshell was our mini vacation.  I am so glad that we went.  We had a great time with some great people and we will for sure be going back.

When we got back, Carter was so glad to see his toys in his living room and watching his tv while sitting in his bean bag.


Now, on to his 15 month check up

I don't know what it is about the rooms at the doctor's office but it makes Carter very hyper.  The doctor's chair had wheels on it so of course he was pushing it everywhere and make all kinds of noises while throwing his golf ball everywhere.  His doctor got to see first hand how active he was.....all the time.  I think he felt sorry for us a little.  The last time we saw him, Carter was not walking yet, so he was surprised.

On to his measurements:  He weighs 21 pounds 7 oz....10%.  Height his 31 3/4 inches....70%.  His head is 18.5 inches.....45%.  For the most part, his measurements are staying pretty consistent.  Doc said he was perfect but wishes his weight would come up a little.  We told him how much he ate, which is a great amount, and he also saw how active that he is, so I don't think he was just too worried about it.  His length is also up there, so he is obviously growing at a pretty good rate.  But if it don't start climbing after his next visit then we are going to look into doing something to help him a little.


We bought a potty yesterday.....oh boy!!  So not looking forward to that process but so ready for him to be out of diapers.  We also put his full size bed in his room on the floor and that's where he slept last night....all night.  So he is officially out of his crib and I'm really not sad about it like I thought I would be.  Now I know he won't try to climb out and fall like he was trying to before.  Carter can now say juice.  When he wants a drink, he lets us know.  I have a feeling that other words are about to start coming here soon.  But then I have been thinking that for a while so who knows!!  And he can follow little simple commands like "kick the ball", "hand me the ball", "where's Daddy?", "give me a bite", "put your toys in your truck", "honk the horn", "shake my hand".  So, big things are happening in the Reeves' home.

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