Thursday, June 28, 2012

What a Night!!

Well, I woke up yesterday morning and decided that Carter and I were going to have so much fun outside.  I got his water table out, that Aunt Abbie and Uncle Neil got him for his birthday, and set it all up.  Nick brought home a little sprinkler thingy that Carter could run (walk fast) through.  He was acting ok in the house but really really cranky.  I just thought it was because he wanted to go outside.  So I put his bathing suit on and rubbed him down with sun block, all while he was screaming and fighting me, and out we went.  We got outside and he was not a happy camper at all.  Whined the entire time and wanted nothing to do with the sun or water and was crying unless I was holding him.  I thought well maybe some sun block got in his eyes or something so I washed his eyes and face down and he screamed even more.  All I wanted was for him to have fun and get some really cute pictures, but I threw in the towel and went in with him. 

I took him back to his room to put him down for a nap and he had 102 fever.  Awesome.  I gave him some medicine, he took a long nap, and woke up fine.  He played for a while after and I thought that maybe it was over....maybe just teeth or something.  I gave him a bath and he had so much fun!

After his bath he was still in a great mood with no fever.  When I tried to put him to bed he started to feel warm again so I gave him some more medicine.  He started off in his bed but around 2:00 a.m. we had a very out of control little flopping worm in our bed.  And his fever was back full force.  Yippee!  So we gave him more medicine and it was a nightmare from then till 5:00 a.m. until I had to get up and get ready for work.  He didn't want to be held, he definitely didn't want to be put down, he acted like he had to have his bottle and took 2 sips and threw it down....the poor thing had no idea what he wanted and neither did I!!  So he just laid there and flipped and flopped and moaned the entire time.  It was a horrible thing for me to endure and I can't imagine how it was for him.

It has been so long since Carter has been sick, at least 2 months, and Nick and I had totally forgotten what those nights were like.  It didn't take long for it to spark our memory though.  I just hope that he gets better before I freak out too much and rush him to the doctor.

So, just pray for my boy.  And for us.  Please.

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