Thursday, July 12, 2012

Still without a phone!  It has been since Wednesday.  I've got to admit.  It was really nice there for a while not having a phone.  Having an iphone really made me be on it way too much and posting way too many pictures of Carter on Facebook so having a break from it was actually nice.  But going over a week without one is really getting old now.  How did people survive without cell phones?  We don't have a land line at our house so I have been literally without a phone period.  I have caught myself so many times needing to know something and in my head saying, "I'll just call Mom and ask".  If I had a dollar for every time I have looked around for my phone.....

My new iphone was supposed to be overnighted to me on Monday.  They sent it to the address on our account which was our house and I worked Tuesday so I missed the FedEx dude.  He left a note saying that I missed him and that I had to sign for the package.  No big deal.  So yesterday I stayed home all morning for the sole purpose of signing for the package.  Nick walks in later in the morning asking me where I have been.  I told him that I had been home all morning waiting for my phone.  He handed me a note that the really really dumb FedEx dude stuck on our door saying that he missed me AGAIN!  I mean come on, my car was there, the tv was on, every light in the house was on.  Yes, our doorbell didn't work, which I didn't know, but ever heard of knocking??  Try that next time FedEx dude.  But I will for sure have an iphone waiting for me at my house today after work because the new note had a place for me to sign so he could leave it there even if I wasn't.  I say it will be there but for sure not basing my life on it!!

I feel better.

Since Carter went and spent the morning with Tonya, the stay at home was not a total waste of time.  I actually got all of my laundry done....which if you would have seen how much it was you would be like WHOA!!  I would fold and put up...then stop and start to cry...then I did a little praying for God to give me the strength to continue...then I moved to the next load.  This process went on about 4-5 times.  The hate that I have for laundry is out of this world.  You would think that I would learn my lesson and just do a load every day and keep up with it....but it's just so much more fun to play with Carter.....or watch my favorite shows.....or watch paint dry.  I keep up with everything else pretty good, so I'm not lazy.  We always have clean floors, clean dishes, clean kitchen, clean bathrooms.  I even keep clean sheets on the beds, but it's because I don't have to fold them...just wash, dry, then stick them back on the bed.  But there is just something about the laundry that just gets under my skin.  Maybe one day I will find peace with it.

Today is going to be a good day.  Going to lift weights at 3:15, then getting my hair done at 4:30, dinner at 6:30, bath for Carter at 7:30, then bleachers at the track at 8:00 (and since I have not done them in a while, it makes me want to throw up a little).

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