Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Softball Weekend

I had THE BEST time this weekend!!  We had a softball tournament this weekend in Sherwood, AR.  I had played so many fast pitch softball tournaments there growing up and it was pretty cool being on those fields again.  Our first game was Friday night so I rode with AD up there.  I stressed to Nick how much I was not looking forward to being away from Carter the whole weekend, but had made my mind up on doing that.  So he took it upon himself to bring Carter to the game Friday night, by himself, stay the night, then watch a morning game Saturday morning then head back to Nashville.  How sweet is that?  He is an awesome Dad and husband.  Can't stress that enough.  We played all the way until 1:00 a.m. Sunday morning and didn't get to Nashville until about 2:00 Sunday afternoon....just in time to see my favorite nephew, Nolan.  First time for me to ever spend a night away from my Carter.  I had a great time hanging out with AD and Whitney.  They are some funny girls!  A whole weekend of adult conversation and not being Mommy was just what the doctor ordered.  And a break from Mickey Mouse probably saved my sanity.  Aside from the fact that I tripped over first base and face planted while running full speed, ending in a couple of scratches and deep bruises, I made it back to my house in one piece.

I am still without a phone but I went to the Verizon store yesterday, told them the truth about what happened to my phone, and they are over nighting me a brand new iphone for free.  I was utterly shocked.  I high-tailed it out of the store before the lady could change her mind.  I can't wait until I can get home after work to check my mail.

Besides a runny nose during the day and stopped up during the night, nothing is new with Carter.  Still climbing on everything, still pushing anything that has wheels, still loves the water and outdoors, and still only saying a couple of words.....which is very rare.  Just babbling.  His time is coming to an end to him being in his crib.  He has decided to try and get one of his legs over the side to climb out.  He is not quite tall enough yet but he don't have much longer.  I think he will do fine in the full size bed in his room.  He seems to sleep better in it.  I have to get a side rail first, though.  But he takes a nap in that bed every day that I am home and falls asleep in it every night.  I will have to line the wall with pillows for the crazy sleeper, but that's no biggie.  We shall see where that goes.

I am thinking about buying a little potty and just set it in the living room.  Not that I am going to start potty training this soon, because I still don't think he has a clue what I am saying to him sometimes, but get him used to it.  And get him used to the word potty and what it means.  Maybe get him to watch a little tv while sitting on it.  Just so when it does come time to potty train, it's not just so new to him.  To early???  I don't know.  He is 14 1/2 months old.  Some websites say it's a great idea and some say to wait til they are about 18-20 months.  I have absolutely no clue.  I personally don't see what it would hurt, but then again I have never done it before.  I am open to suggestions from all of you mothers that are reading this.

Casey has talked me into doing something different with my hair Thursday.  I won't spill the beans but will post pictures when she is done with me.

1 comment:

  1. By reading at your post it seems that you really enjoy your Softball weekend. I had a great time with your blog. Thank you.
