Friday, July 6, 2012

Weekend Plans

I really don't have much to report today.  I am exhausted, though!  I had to get up at 5:00 a.m. to head to Springdale, AR for my Nana's brother's funeral.  Then I had to wake up this morning, yet again, at 5:00 a.m. to come to work.  My very very sweet child decided to go to bed at 1:30 a.m.  We could not get him to sleep for nothing.  He was so wired and playful last night.  So I finally went to sleep around 12:00 and my sweet husband stayed up with Carter.  Maybe it was all the Mac N Cheese he ate last night??  So, that's my feel sorry for me story for the day.

Anyways, my weekend softball tournament starts tonight...and I'm so freakin tired.  Not a good combination.  I'm excited to play, though, and I'm excited to see the girls.  Excited just to get out and have some fun!!  Nick decided to come up with Carter and watch our game tonight and in the morning then they are heading back.  Maybe it won't be so hot on him at those times. 

My phone is out of use at the time.  Someone (probably me) decided to put my iphone in my dad's drink at the lake.  It works perfectly fine just won 't find a signal.  It's very frustrating because I just got it like 2 weeks ago and a half ago and I was just starting to figure it all out.  So, if you need me call or text Nick until I get mine up and running again.  Or you can contact me on facebook...I'll be on from time to time.


Our Fourth of July was amazing!!  My whole family went up to the lake.  Carter loved it so much.  He is so in love with riding the boat and being out on the water.  And it was very evident that he loved it because he was letting anyone and everyone hold him.  That never happens.  It was really funny watching him trying to walk across the boat while it was rocking in the water.  But he was bound and determined and never really tried to crawl.  He got to where he was really good at keeping his balance.  He really didn't care a thing about the fireworks.  He watched them for a little bit but then went back to walking across the boat and playing with different things.  And...pretty sure he ate a whole watermelon by himself.  The kid can't get enough of it.

I had a really good time because it's very rare that my whole family gets to be together for almost a whole day.  Someone always has to leave early to be with their spouse's family, but not this time!  It was just a great day all the way around.  So much fun.

Hope everyone had as happy a Fourth of July as we did!!

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