Friday, August 3, 2012

Happy Birthday BR!

Today is my dad's 52nd birthday.  Happy birthday to the best dad, role model, husband, grandpa, mayor, and boss that ever was!  He has taught me so much about business and just life in general.  He was the kind of dad that still picked me up out of bed when I was 11, carried me to the breakfast table, and let me sleep for an extra 30 minutes on him until the food was ready.  Very, very fond and precious memories that I will never forget.  And all those hours on the ball field or basketball!  I definitely could not picture looking up to and wanting to be like any one else.  I sure hope (and I know he will) that Nick will be the kind of dad that my dad is.  He has so much faith in me that I probably don't even deserve.  Carter loves his BR and is lucky to have him to teach him so many great things and to spoil him rotten.  BR is crazy about his grandson!

And tomorrow is my 25th birthday....blah!  Getting older is for the birds.  But since I will be playing softball all day tomorrow we are celebrating mine and dad's birthdays together tonight at good ol' Papa Poblanos.  Then we can act surprised/happy when they slip the sombreros on our head and sing the birthday song in front of the whole restaurant.  But hey, a girl will go through just about anything for some free birthday dessert!  True?

So, we finally did it.  Nick and I took down Carter's crib.  And every night that he has slept in his big boy bed he has slept all night.  The crib, on the other hand, he was not a fan of.  Maybe slept all night 10 times.  Carter is over 15 months old and Nick and I are finally sleeping through the night on a regular basis.  It's a pretty great feeling.  In case you didn't see my picture on facebook....

One small problem though.....yesterday morning at 6:00 Nick rolled over to look at his video monitor to see what time it was and Carter was not in his bed.  We found big boy in the living room.  So yeah, can't be having a little toddler roaming the house freely without us knowing!!  So I'm thinking we will have to put a little baby gate at his door until we get up.

Also, I think it's time for a new room.  Something that's not so babyish.  How awesome did Andi do on his newborn room though?!?  I have just looked at it for hours admiring her work.  I thought about leaving that room just the way it is for the next baby but then I thought I will want to do something totally different and special for the next one just like I did for Carter.  And since we made one of the other bedrooms into a playroom we would not have a spare bedroom for other guests and we have company over way too often not to have one.  I don't think I am going to go with a theme.  Just probably blue and brown.  Themes always get old quickly.  I have not gotten too emotional on most stuff that Carter has grown out of, but I can tell you that I am 100% positive that I will cry when we get rid of Carter's baby-looking room.  I have looked at that giraffe on the wall during 3:00 a.m. feedings, sick nights, rocking him to sleep, reading him books, holding him tightly, praying with/over him, singing to him, playing with him....just comforting him.  It won't be easy.  And new furniture for him is in the near future because he is using the dresser that I used when I was 8 and the drawers don't open and close real smooth.

Carter's one year pictures are ready for me to look at and purchase!  I get to see them Tuesday and I can't wait!!  I know they are going to be so good!  Jenna gave me a sneak peak and I already like what I see!

Precious, right?

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