Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Bad Luck

We have not been able to catch a break in our house here lately.  I believe it started Wednesday when Carter decided to get really cranky and run a very high fever.  Long story short it lasted for about 3 days.  He was okay during the day and just miserable at night.  And when baby is not happy, no body's happy.  Monday at his check up his right ear was very red but not infected  yet.  So when he was tugging at his ear and running fever I knew he had an ear infection....which turned into a double ear infection.  So the good ol' doc called in some antibiotics which in turn gave Carter the runs and stomach problems.  Plus he didn't want to eat or drink anything.  But he is back to his normal ol' self pushing his truck, eating, and sleeping great.


Our air conditioner started acting funny Thursday night.  For some reason it would never shut off and it never really got our house cool.  I can't imagine what our bill is going to be.  So we called the air conditioner man and he came and did something to it.  Carter went and spent the afternoon at Nick's parents house yesterday, thank God, because while I was cleaning up his room a little I discovered that his whole closet (which is right beside the air conditioner) was flooded with water.  Mom brought her carpet cleaner out to the house to suck up the water, and it helped, but it didn't get the job done.  So Nick had to rip up the carpet and put a fan blowing on it.  I am thinking we are going to have to rip up the whole thing and put new carpet down because this has happened in this house before and that room has had one too many floods that it can handle.  So, Carter may have a new room before too long.  Nick brought home a fan that didn't have a cover on it so Carter had to sleep in our bed for the sake of him not amputating a finger.

.....But who's complaining?

Carter is doing new stuff every day and  he is getting to where we only have to show him something one time.  He can now drive his 4-wheeler all around the house.  I have not gotten brave enough to take him outside with it and let him roam but I'm thinking it's time.  He has not quite got down the whole turning and going around stuff but he loves to go full speed ahead in a straight line.  I'm thinking he is going to be your average country boy that loves to do stuff outside all day, which is great in my opinion.

Since we have gotten rid of the crib, I think Carter has decided to get rid of the high chair too.  He just don't want in it and eats so much better when he's not.  I think it's the fact that he does not like to be made to do anything.  When it's his choice to sit there and eat, he does it just fine.  When he has the choice to get in and out of bed as he pleases, he sleeps all night.  I love my stubborn child.

I am starting to loosen up a little bit on things that he eats.  I am starting to give him red meat now....something to put a little meat on his bones.  So I made him meatballs yesterday and today he is eating a hamburger patty with cheese and ketchup.  He loved the meatballs and I'm really not sure how he will like the hamburger.  I won't give him that stuff just too often but every now and then won't kill him....maybe once or twice a week or so.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Introducing New Things

We have not been up to much.  I have been working at the hotel and working out.  Nick has picked up golf....and he says he is terrible.  He has bought me a couple of golf clubs so that I can pick up on this little hobby too.  I have tried and my swing just looks like a terrible terrible softball swing.  Like...I even feel ugly when I attempt to hit the little bitty ball.  It's bad.  But we both enjoy the challenge so it just may be fun.  We have both been okay athletes in our prime so it's just weird being terrible at a sport.  I'm glad that our competitiveness side has eased up and that we can actually laugh at ourselves.  But I can tell ya, it's so ugly is not funny.

Carter is becoming quite the little chatterbox.  I mean, it's not actual words most of the time but he is starting to babble a lot, which he has never really done that.  He does throw juice (duce), daddy, truck (tuck), fish (fiss), and dog (do) in there every once in a while.  I love hearing his voice even it it's not actual words.  While we were at the hotel yesterday, Carter was watching the cars and trucks go by and he was saying truck over and over again.  We have been working on this for a long time.

We got Carter's potty out yesterday while he was taking a nap.  Right when he woke up and came into the living room he saw it and went right over to it and sat down.  He noticed it right off the bat....something new.  He actually loves the thing.  So if he never gets potty training down, at least we will have a seat for him to watch tv on!

I decided to go with the unisex one.  There will hopefully be another child I have to potty train one day and that other child just might be a little girl and I only want to buy one of these in my lifetime.  They had some really cute little boy ones though.  This one sings and praises the child when something hits the bottom of the bowl.  It's really funny!!  Can't wait to see his face when it starts singing while he is sitting on it.  I have a feeling that this is going to be a very long process for Carter.  He could care less whether or not his diaper if full or dry.  I know we are probably really early starting this, but we just want to get him familiar.

I put a new pair of Nike tennis shoes on Carter yesterday and he absolutely loved them.  After I put them on he stood up and looked down at his feet and smiled from ear to ear.  Then he started walking in circles while looking down at his new shoes and still smiling.  I'm not sure if it was because they were new or if he was proud of himself for walking really well in them.  Either way, it made my day.  We have always just put his Nike flip flops on that's very flexible or we have had his walking training shoes on with the very soft sole.  I knew it was time to give him some thick and heavier big boy shoes and was not sure how he would walk in them.  But he did really well.

Carter slept all night in his big bed again last night.  I'm thinking it may be time to take down and store the crib for the next one.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Lake Fun and 15 Month Checkup

This blog will have the potential to be very long and drawn out but I will try as hard as I can to spare you all of the minor details.

I just can't tell you how proud I am of my son.  It is really all Nick and I have talked about since we got back from his best friend's family's lake house.  Carter did so good in every way possible.  He ate very good the whole weekend.  That's really nothing too new for him but I figured new place, new people,  new routine....I thought it would have him a little shaken up and take a toll on his appetite.  He was very well behaved and for the most part, outgoing, with the people that he don't get to see but once every 3-4 months.  And if you know Carter, that's growth!!  He also slept very good, which it was with me so it really don't count.

Saturday was when I was the most proud of him.  We went out on the lake around 2:30.  Nick and I had warned the Brainerd's that we would probably have to come back to the lakehouse in about an hour because it was so hot and Carter just can't take the heat.  Carter played on the boat for a long time, ate his lunch, and then wanted in the water with Daddy.  He had the time of his life!  He never whined about being hot or sleepy and just did his own thing.  He actually saw Nick in the water and just kinda leaned over the side without even thinking twice.  If someone was not there to catch him he was going in.  Carter the fearless!  That scares me to death and I am going to try my hardest to teach him to swim ASAP!!  Needless to say I was on him like glue the entire time. 

  Around 5:30, after everyone was water-logged, we headed in.  Carter wobbled to the front of the boat to stand at the gate (that's his spot when the barge was moving) and the day wore him out so bad he was falling asleep standing up....literally.  So right when we got back to the house he fell asleep and slept until 10:00.  I tried several times to wake him up for dinner and a bath but he was not having it.  So when he woke up he was rared and ready to play and everyone else was ready to go to sleep....great.  So he ate dinner and took a quick bath and I moved all of his toys to the small room that we slept in.  Carter was a wild child and screaming and laughing.  All of a sudden he was obsessed with his toy balls and would not put them down for nothing.

Loving on Mickey Mouse while holding his toy balls.

Even after I thought he was good and alseep I tried to take them out of his hand and he woke right up looking for them.  Finally at 3:00 a.m. I was able to pry them from him.

So, that in a nutshell was our mini vacation.  I am so glad that we went.  We had a great time with some great people and we will for sure be going back.

When we got back, Carter was so glad to see his toys in his living room and watching his tv while sitting in his bean bag.


Now, on to his 15 month check up

I don't know what it is about the rooms at the doctor's office but it makes Carter very hyper.  The doctor's chair had wheels on it so of course he was pushing it everywhere and make all kinds of noises while throwing his golf ball everywhere.  His doctor got to see first hand how active he was.....all the time.  I think he felt sorry for us a little.  The last time we saw him, Carter was not walking yet, so he was surprised.

On to his measurements:  He weighs 21 pounds 7 oz....10%.  Height his 31 3/4 inches....70%.  His head is 18.5 inches.....45%.  For the most part, his measurements are staying pretty consistent.  Doc said he was perfect but wishes his weight would come up a little.  We told him how much he ate, which is a great amount, and he also saw how active that he is, so I don't think he was just too worried about it.  His length is also up there, so he is obviously growing at a pretty good rate.  But if it don't start climbing after his next visit then we are going to look into doing something to help him a little.


We bought a potty yesterday.....oh boy!!  So not looking forward to that process but so ready for him to be out of diapers.  We also put his full size bed in his room on the floor and that's where he slept last night....all night.  So he is officially out of his crib and I'm really not sad about it like I thought I would be.  Now I know he won't try to climb out and fall like he was trying to before.  Carter can now say juice.  When he wants a drink, he lets us know.  I have a feeling that other words are about to start coming here soon.  But then I have been thinking that for a while so who knows!!  And he can follow little simple commands like "kick the ball", "hand me the ball", "where's Daddy?", "give me a bite", "put your toys in your truck", "honk the horn", "shake my hand".  So, big things are happening in the Reeves' home.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Short and Sweet

I really don't have all that much to say today.  I have been working my butt off at the hotel today so this is going to be short and sweet because I'm tired.

Carter had his first real boo boo with blood Tuesday afternoon.  He was drinking out of a straw and walking at the same time.  He fell and the straw jammed in his gums and it bled like all get out.  He was at Mom's house and I was at work so I missed all the commotion.  Mom called Nick to come take a look at him and he said that there really was a lot of blood.  Poor little guy.  But he didn't cry for very long before he wanted to eat some lunch then play some more.  Tough little booger.

He has learned how to kick a ball over and over and over.  It is very very adorable.  He will kick it across the living room and follow it and kick it again and again and again.  He has really good hand/eye and hand/foot coordination.....in my opinion.  But then again, I think he is perfect in every way so I may not be the best one to make that decision.

I have found a new breakfast food that he loves.  Whole grain blueberry waffles and banana/strawberry yogurt.  But my mom discovered the only way he will eat the waffle is if we roll it up in little balls.  He can be a little crazy like that sometimes.

He is the sweetest thing at bedtime.  Right before he goes to sleep is when I read him a story (and I don't get half the story out because he turns the pages himself way too quickly) and he gives me the most kisses and when he laughs more than ever before.  I'm not sure if it is him getting a little delirious or what.  And his best friend in the whole wide world is Mr. Bear....his blanky.  He hugs and snuggles with it so much!

Anyways, Nick and I are going out of town this weekend to go to Uncle Brent's (Nick's best friend) lakehouse and hang out there and take Carter for a couple boat rides.  It will be fun!!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Pageants and Chili

Our tournament in Shreveport was cancelled this past weekend.  I was so looking forward to playing.  So, instead of playing, I had to be a big girl and actually work at Southern Belle.  Then I went to Hot Springs with some friends to watch the Miss Arkansas Pageant.  I have always loved watching pageants for some reason.  I would hate to be in one and would really be a horrible contestant but I love to watch it.  We got to watch the top ten's talents.  Wow!!  The word talented does not even do them justice.  I can't imagine what would be my talent.  Showing the fundamentals of how to play softball?  Eat a cheeseburger in record time?  I would so be Sandra Bullock in Miss Congeniality.  And the high heals that they wore....OUCH!!  But I had a good time with my good ol' friend AD.  So glad I went.

Carter is actually doing new things!!  He is feeding himself with a spoon and doing really well, really fast.  He can now scoop things on it by himself and bring it to his mouth.  The food don't always stay on the spoon, but he gets it, and I am so thankful for that.  I am just afraid I have a little lefty.  He does it with with left hand every time and when I put it in his right hand, it is very awkward for him.  He has so much more control with his left.  He eats finger foods with his left, as well as play with toys and roll and throw balls.  Nick, my dad, and Nick's dad are lefty's so he will have plenty of help learning how to do things with that hand, if that's what he ends up being.  I favor him more on being a righty, because everything in this world is pretty much made for them.  But I guess either way is fine.

His other new thing is going into another room when he has to go #2.  He does this at our house, anyways.  He will go into our dining room and crawl under the table and do his business.  Mom suggested that I buy a little potty and when he heads for the room, sit him on it.  Since he knows when he is about to go, she said it would be a great time to start.  So, that's probably what I will do.

He is still a mess!!  Still figuring stuff out all the time.  I had the Cheerio box in the living room floor about to give him a snack, but I forgot the bowl in the kitchen.  So I literally left him for 10 seconds and come back to this...

Like I said....a mess!  Whenever he does something like this, I always tell Nick that Carter learned it from him!!  But when he does something great, that's when he learned it from me  ;)

I had to go to the hotel for a while yesterday and Carter got to spend the afternoon with his Aunt CiCi and her nephew Bo.  From what I was told from Bo, Carter had a great time riding the ranger and looking at all the cows.  Carter sure does love CiCi and Bo.

I made some chili last night.  The chili was not the best.  It was very liquidy for some reason.  How can anyone mess up chili?  It's probably one of the easiest things to make.  Leave it to me.  I did, however, make the best key lime pie that ever existed and let's face it, the dessert is so much more important than the main meal.  Am I right?  Why yes, yes I am.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Still without a phone!  It has been since Wednesday.  I've got to admit.  It was really nice there for a while not having a phone.  Having an iphone really made me be on it way too much and posting way too many pictures of Carter on Facebook so having a break from it was actually nice.  But going over a week without one is really getting old now.  How did people survive without cell phones?  We don't have a land line at our house so I have been literally without a phone period.  I have caught myself so many times needing to know something and in my head saying, "I'll just call Mom and ask".  If I had a dollar for every time I have looked around for my phone.....

My new iphone was supposed to be overnighted to me on Monday.  They sent it to the address on our account which was our house and I worked Tuesday so I missed the FedEx dude.  He left a note saying that I missed him and that I had to sign for the package.  No big deal.  So yesterday I stayed home all morning for the sole purpose of signing for the package.  Nick walks in later in the morning asking me where I have been.  I told him that I had been home all morning waiting for my phone.  He handed me a note that the really really dumb FedEx dude stuck on our door saying that he missed me AGAIN!  I mean come on, my car was there, the tv was on, every light in the house was on.  Yes, our doorbell didn't work, which I didn't know, but ever heard of knocking??  Try that next time FedEx dude.  But I will for sure have an iphone waiting for me at my house today after work because the new note had a place for me to sign so he could leave it there even if I wasn't.  I say it will be there but for sure not basing my life on it!!

I feel better.

Since Carter went and spent the morning with Tonya, the stay at home was not a total waste of time.  I actually got all of my laundry done....which if you would have seen how much it was you would be like WHOA!!  I would fold and put up...then stop and start to cry...then I did a little praying for God to give me the strength to continue...then I moved to the next load.  This process went on about 4-5 times.  The hate that I have for laundry is out of this world.  You would think that I would learn my lesson and just do a load every day and keep up with it....but it's just so much more fun to play with Carter.....or watch my favorite shows.....or watch paint dry.  I keep up with everything else pretty good, so I'm not lazy.  We always have clean floors, clean dishes, clean kitchen, clean bathrooms.  I even keep clean sheets on the beds, but it's because I don't have to fold them...just wash, dry, then stick them back on the bed.  But there is just something about the laundry that just gets under my skin.  Maybe one day I will find peace with it.

Today is going to be a good day.  Going to lift weights at 3:15, then getting my hair done at 4:30, dinner at 6:30, bath for Carter at 7:30, then bleachers at the track at 8:00 (and since I have not done them in a while, it makes me want to throw up a little).

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Softball Weekend

I had THE BEST time this weekend!!  We had a softball tournament this weekend in Sherwood, AR.  I had played so many fast pitch softball tournaments there growing up and it was pretty cool being on those fields again.  Our first game was Friday night so I rode with AD up there.  I stressed to Nick how much I was not looking forward to being away from Carter the whole weekend, but had made my mind up on doing that.  So he took it upon himself to bring Carter to the game Friday night, by himself, stay the night, then watch a morning game Saturday morning then head back to Nashville.  How sweet is that?  He is an awesome Dad and husband.  Can't stress that enough.  We played all the way until 1:00 a.m. Sunday morning and didn't get to Nashville until about 2:00 Sunday afternoon....just in time to see my favorite nephew, Nolan.  First time for me to ever spend a night away from my Carter.  I had a great time hanging out with AD and Whitney.  They are some funny girls!  A whole weekend of adult conversation and not being Mommy was just what the doctor ordered.  And a break from Mickey Mouse probably saved my sanity.  Aside from the fact that I tripped over first base and face planted while running full speed, ending in a couple of scratches and deep bruises, I made it back to my house in one piece.

I am still without a phone but I went to the Verizon store yesterday, told them the truth about what happened to my phone, and they are over nighting me a brand new iphone for free.  I was utterly shocked.  I high-tailed it out of the store before the lady could change her mind.  I can't wait until I can get home after work to check my mail.

Besides a runny nose during the day and stopped up during the night, nothing is new with Carter.  Still climbing on everything, still pushing anything that has wheels, still loves the water and outdoors, and still only saying a couple of words.....which is very rare.  Just babbling.  His time is coming to an end to him being in his crib.  He has decided to try and get one of his legs over the side to climb out.  He is not quite tall enough yet but he don't have much longer.  I think he will do fine in the full size bed in his room.  He seems to sleep better in it.  I have to get a side rail first, though.  But he takes a nap in that bed every day that I am home and falls asleep in it every night.  I will have to line the wall with pillows for the crazy sleeper, but that's no biggie.  We shall see where that goes.

I am thinking about buying a little potty and just set it in the living room.  Not that I am going to start potty training this soon, because I still don't think he has a clue what I am saying to him sometimes, but get him used to it.  And get him used to the word potty and what it means.  Maybe get him to watch a little tv while sitting on it.  Just so when it does come time to potty train, it's not just so new to him.  To early???  I don't know.  He is 14 1/2 months old.  Some websites say it's a great idea and some say to wait til they are about 18-20 months.  I have absolutely no clue.  I personally don't see what it would hurt, but then again I have never done it before.  I am open to suggestions from all of you mothers that are reading this.

Casey has talked me into doing something different with my hair Thursday.  I won't spill the beans but will post pictures when she is done with me.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Weekend Plans

I really don't have much to report today.  I am exhausted, though!  I had to get up at 5:00 a.m. to head to Springdale, AR for my Nana's brother's funeral.  Then I had to wake up this morning, yet again, at 5:00 a.m. to come to work.  My very very sweet child decided to go to bed at 1:30 a.m.  We could not get him to sleep for nothing.  He was so wired and playful last night.  So I finally went to sleep around 12:00 and my sweet husband stayed up with Carter.  Maybe it was all the Mac N Cheese he ate last night??  So, that's my feel sorry for me story for the day.

Anyways, my weekend softball tournament starts tonight...and I'm so freakin tired.  Not a good combination.  I'm excited to play, though, and I'm excited to see the girls.  Excited just to get out and have some fun!!  Nick decided to come up with Carter and watch our game tonight and in the morning then they are heading back.  Maybe it won't be so hot on him at those times. 

My phone is out of use at the time.  Someone (probably me) decided to put my iphone in my dad's drink at the lake.  It works perfectly fine just won 't find a signal.  It's very frustrating because I just got it like 2 weeks ago and a half ago and I was just starting to figure it all out.  So, if you need me call or text Nick until I get mine up and running again.  Or you can contact me on facebook...I'll be on from time to time.


Our Fourth of July was amazing!!  My whole family went up to the lake.  Carter loved it so much.  He is so in love with riding the boat and being out on the water.  And it was very evident that he loved it because he was letting anyone and everyone hold him.  That never happens.  It was really funny watching him trying to walk across the boat while it was rocking in the water.  But he was bound and determined and never really tried to crawl.  He got to where he was really good at keeping his balance.  He really didn't care a thing about the fireworks.  He watched them for a little bit but then went back to walking across the boat and playing with different things.  And...pretty sure he ate a whole watermelon by himself.  The kid can't get enough of it.

I had a really good time because it's very rare that my whole family gets to be together for almost a whole day.  Someone always has to leave early to be with their spouse's family, but not this time!  It was just a great day all the way around.  So much fun.

Hope everyone had as happy a Fourth of July as we did!!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012


Well, I knew that our days were limited until Mr. Carter got sick again.  I am so thankful for those two months of having him pain/sick free, though.  Wednesday during the day Carter started running fever.  I didn't rush him to the doctor like I do every other time because they hardly ever find anything wrong with him when he gets fever.  He still had it on and off Friday so we made the trip to Texarkana and he had an ear infection.  Of course, something would be wrong the time I don't rush him to the doctor.  Just my luck.  We felt so bad.  But we got some antibiotics and some ear drops that literally had to be God's gift to me.  He could be very very fussy and a couple of those bad boys down in his ear and he was a new child.  This was his first ear infection and he handled it pretty well for the most part.  We have not had to put the drops in his ear in about 24 hours so I am thinking we are in the clear.

So about the time his ear started clearing up he broke out in a rash all over his neck, back, stomach, and chest.  I still really don't know what caused it but my guess is heat rash.  He never acted like it bothered him, though.

We have watched a butt load of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.  Mickey is most definitely his hero.  He smiles from ear to ear literally the whole time that show is on.  He can't take his eyes off of it.  To say he loves it is definitely an understatement.  He watched a whole lot more tv than what we usually let him watch but that's the only thing that would keep him from wanting to go outside.  Thirty minutes to an hour is usually his limit.

He is still very interested in nature stuff outside (what kid isn't?).  He loves picking up and tasting/arranging rocks, picking up grass, playing in the dirt, ect.  Nick's parents came out and ate yesterday evening so they took him outside and pulled him in the wagon and rode the ranger.  He loved it.  His most favorite thing to mess with outside is our cattle guard.  He won't get the courage to walk across it, which would be a total disaster.  But he does try to crawl across it.  He can get about half way across by himself then needs help.

He has recently had a little growth spurt I think.  His legs are getting so long and looking thinner.  His torso used to be a lot longer than his legs but he is starting to even out.  He has gained over a pound in a matter of about a week and a half.  He weighs 21.5 pounds.  And as you can probably tell, his head is getting bigger!  Weird.  He has always had a small head and its really not so small anymore.  He is really getting strong, too.  He picks up and pushes things that should be really heavy for him.  He is very determined and hard headed....just like his daddy.

His appetite has really gone down.  He now eats the amount that he should be eating.  There for a while it seemed like he was eating as much as I was.  It made me worry a little but he is still growing great and I just need to chill out.  I worry way to much, but I am working on that.

Carter now has a new little trick that he has discovered all by himself.  He loves to play in the toilet.  Pretty gross, huh?  I walked in one day and he had my tooth brush and swishing it around in the toilet water.  How he got it, I have no idea.  I automatically wondered how many times he has done that and I have brushed my teeth afterwards.  Trust me, I was just as grossed out as you are.  Thanks goodness I had an extra one still in the package.

He is going to bed earlier!!  9:00 or 9:30.  It's not where I want it to be and it's just as hard as pulling teeth but we are getting there.  It's a whole lot better than 10:30-11:00 like it was.  I am aiming for 8:30 or 9:00.  Baby steps.

Carter can now get on and off furniture by himself.  Here is big boy in my parent's massage recliner that he get on and sits in by himself while watching tv.  When he is there, this is HIS chair.

Well, that's all of the update that I can think of right now.  We have missed outside and water park this week but we will pick it back up again.  We are sick of being cooped up inside the house!!