Thursday, February 7, 2013

Southern Belle Inn Employees

Hello all!  Whew, today has been a busy day!!  I have had two Travel and Tourism classes come tour the hotel and we have had a staff meeting while still checking people out, answering phone calls, and making reservations.  While I was telling the classes about our employees, it really got me to thinking today.  We have some pretty amazing people that we work with.  This is the first time in a very long time that all of our housekeepers are 100% on board with everything and will gladly do anything I ask without even a question.  They are dependable and some of the hardest working ladies that I have ever worked with.  They are the ones that make the customers come back to our clean and fresh rooms.  Very rarely do I have to correct them about something or find something that was not done to my satisfactory. 

Now, lets talk about our office managers.  WOW!  Shout out to Lee Borek and Eva Hintze!  They have wonderful attitudes and I know if I ever needed them to work 80 hours in one week they would do it in a heart beat.  They are very level headed and they make sure their job is done the very best they can.  They for sure take care of our business and our family.  Honestly, we have become just a very big family.  We all love each other and we all know we have each other's back.  I love it!!!  It's a great feeling when you love what you do!  Thank you to all my co-workers!  It's a pleasure....really.

So, now I am sitting at work waiting on the rush of people to come and check in.

I am completely done with Carter's summer clothes shopping.  I am getting so good at finding those amazing deals online.  Now all I have to do is find him some new tennis shoes, sandals, and water shoes and he will be all set!  It's a good feeling to know that I don't have to find time to go shopping for him.  Shopping is for the birds!

My diet started back today...which is a huge step, because I didn't wait until Monday.  I rock at this diet thing.  I have managed to workout every day this, though, week so I am on a roll.

Anwyays, sorry I am so boring today.  Maybe the next time I post, something really dramatic or exciting will have happened in my life that I can share.

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