Sunday, February 10, 2013

One Word.


 That's what I was last night and this morning. I decided to try to make se crock pot oatmeal for my boy and me this morning. It was so stupid easy!!!

- 1 cup of steel cut oats
- 2 cups milk (I used whole)
- 2 1/2 cups water.

Stir in the crock pot and put on low for 8 hours. Bata-bing, bata-boom..... Perfect oatmeal waiting on us in the morning.  I stirred half a banana and about a teaspoon honey for sweetness and a dash of cinnamon. Carter murdered it!!! I put peanut butter in my oatmeal. Before you judge me... Try it. You may just be surprised at how good it is.

And since Nick would rather eat his arm than eat oatmeal I made him scrambled eggs, toast, and sausage. Shhhhhhhh.... The sausage was turkey sausage as he had no clue.  I find it quite hilarious because he swears up and down he would never like/eat anything that's been substituted with turkey. Bahahahaha!!!!!

But since I know my man likes his milk super cold, I made up for the turkey sausage and got up a little early and put a glass of milk in the freezer for him.

Welp, I spoke way too soon about Carter being happy all the time because he sure is cranky this morning.  We had planned on goin to church... I laid out his clothes last night and everything... But since he has a bad cough and a green snotty nose I don't think other mothers would appreciate me bringing him around their kids. So, we are staying inside and bein creative!

Happy Sunday everyone!!

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