Saturday, February 9, 2013

A Little This, A Little That

What up?  I'm sitting at work, hating the fact that I have to work every Friday and Saturday evening.  I'm sulking, really.  Weekends are the days that my boy does not have to go to Mrs. Lisa's and those are supposed to be my day.  Instead he gets to hang out with Nick all day.  I'm jealous.  Every time he spends the majority of his time with Daddy, I have to convince him that I'm cool too and he does love me just as much as Nick.  It does not take much convincing on my part, though! :)  He sure does love his Momma!

On to something else...

I think I am a bipolar eater.  One day I will only eat fruits, turkey sandwiches, salads and only drink water.  The next I find myself ordering a large meat lovers pizza for lunch, along with a 2 liter coke, then on my way home getting an oreo freezie.....with extra oreos for a dollar more.  Yikes.  I get on my own nerves.  Thank goodness today is one of the healthier days.  Oatmeal, ramon noodles, and a salad.  It's not perfect, but it's not too bad.  Thank GOD I can fluctuate my weight pretty easy, or I would be some kind of ginormous.

Carter has a runny nose.  It's annoying.  We are literally having to wipe his nose like every 5 minutes.  He is also starting to have a bad cough so we are giving him Tussin every 4 hours on the dot and practically bathing him in Vick's Vapor Rub at night.  It really seems to help break up some of that junk in his chest, though, so hopefully it won't last too long.

Some pictures
My sweet boy came to see me at work yesterday.  He HAS to have cheerioes and fruit loops every single time he comes into the hotel.  He knows exactly where they are, too!  He is also a pretty good door greeter.  When an elderly man walked in to check into his room, Carter shook his hand and the old man gave him 3 bucks!!  Not too shabby!

He now as a mouth full.  I am not even sure how many he has now.
We have such a happy and healthy baby right now.  He is eating so well and he is always smiling and playing.  I can't tell you the last time he has cried or even thrown a fit.  Seriously, can't recall the last time I saw tears come out of his eyes.  When we tell him "no" about something, he listens and moves on to something else.  I am usually not one to boast about all the good and no bad about something, but besides him not being a good sleeper all the time and making my house a disaster, I really can't complain about him.  He's a good boy, so far.  When that terrible two stage hits, we'll be ready!  I am so lucky to be his mom.  I just love his laid back, level headed, and sweet personality.
I will say, potty training is NOT in the near future.  He couldn't care less if he has a wet or dirty diaper on.  He refuses to poop in the same room as us, but once he does his thing, he could stay like that all day if we let him.  Silly kid.  So will my kid be the 4 year old still in diapers?  Probably.

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