Thursday, January 31, 2013


Hello all!  It's been several days since I have posted anything so I just thought I would check in.  When I don't post for several days I get several people asking where I have been.  Thanks, by the way, for those that read my blogs.  I have always secretly wanted to be a writer and this is the closest I am ever going to get.  I love spilling my thoughts, even when they don't amount to anyting, and this is a really nice outlet for me.  So, thanks for humoring me and acting like my life is something interesting to read about (even though it's mostly about Carter).

So do you have a "thing" about buying the same thing every time you go shopping?  Or find yourself thinking about buying that one thing that you already have 100 of them?  Well mine is sports bras.  It's sad to say that I probably have over 20 of them and they are all different shapes and forms.  But I seriously love them all for different reasons and when I get the courage up to throw some of the old ones away, I just can't make myself.  How weird is that?  I just bought two more yesterday from TJ Maxx.  They have been with me through thick and thin, ladies!!  So don't judge me.  I also have a thing about vanilla scented candles and jeans, but we won't go there.  Anyways, that's just a random fact.

No, I still have not gotten my big butt in gear to even start on Carter's room.  I don't even have the paint bought.  There is this little factor that I didn't take into consideration when I made up my mind to change his room--he can't sleep in his room for several days breathing in that fresh paint!!  And he is doing so good staying in his room all night right now and we don't want to mess that up.  So that may be put on hold for just a little while longer unless we come up with another solution.

Carter is starting to say random words that we have not even tried to teach him.  For example, he was playing with my mom this morning and he was following her and he said "stop!".  So maybe I should just stop worrying about his talking and let him soak everything in on his own time because obviously he is learning the things that we say. 

Carter is really starting to be really good on his feet.  He is getting stronger and stronger, which is making him faster and faster, which is making it harder and harder to catch him.  I rarely see him walk anymore.  If he even goes 5 feet from where he is standing, he is running there.  It's pretty funny to see his little legs move as fast and he can make them move.  So proud of my healthy boy.

Speaking of has nearly been 2 months since Carter has gotten sick.  Like at all.  Amazing, right?  Since he was born, he was sick at least every other week running 104 fever that would last for at least 3 days.  He went through that for about a year and a half.  Then his adenoids got taken out and since then....nothing.  We are still catching up on sleep that we missed and Carter is slowly gaining weight that was lost during all those sick spells. 21 months old. 2T pants, 2T shirts, 6.5 shoe, and at least 25 pounds.  We are so thankful.  I think his doctor is going to be shocked when we go in for our 2 year appointment and he sees where he is on the weight percentile.

One last thing.  I'm obsessed with reading.  On average I probably read a book a week.  I love getting to know new characters and putting myself in their shoes.  It's fun!  Reading is the best escape.  That time after Carter goes to sleep and I get to curl on the couch with my Kindle Fire is such a relaxing time for me.  I would rather read my books than watch tv any day!  Nick makes so much fun of me all the time and always threatens to hide it from me just so I will go to bed at a decent hour.

Anyways, that's all I got for today.  Thanks again for reading.

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