Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Valentine's Celebration

So, last blog I mentioned that all I wanted for Valentine's Day was for Nick to take me to my most favorite restaurant in the world....Little Italy.  I love the one in Glenwood.  If you have not tried it, you should.  We finally found time that we could both go yesterday afternoon.  There were tornado warnings and it was raining pretty hard, but that was not going to stop me.  I WAS going to have my Little Italy fix.  My heart and soul was set on having the heavenly bread and their marinara sauce and then on top of that, for an appetizer, I was going to get cheese sticks.  For my main meal I was going to get some garlic and oil noodles splashed with lemon juice....omg.  I even skipped lunch so I would be super hungry and eat all that I could fit in my stomach.  The closer we got to Glenwood, the more my mouth watered and the more excited I got.  It's honestly pathetic how much I was looking forward to it.  I round the curve, turn into the parking lot........CLOSED!!!!!  What the @#$$^&^%^????  I was beyond livid.  The Fish Nest there was packed so we settled on the Mexican restaurant.  We drove 30 miles to eat at a place that we literally have 4 of within a 10 mile radius of us.  Little Italy-1 Catherine and Nick-0.  A trip back to Glenwood will be penciled in soon.

Bought Carter this little chair last week at Walmart.  He loves it and uses it a lot while he watches tv, reads his books, or eats a snack.  I decided he needed something when he tried to sit on a ball several times to do those things.
I also ordered this little jewel for Carter (Yes, he is way too spoiled), but I got it for a very good price!  He loves to climb and he loves to slide on things, so I thought this would be perfect for him.
Is it just me or does the thing in the picture not look that big?  I asked Nick to blow it up for Carter while I went and worked out and when I walked in the living room I about fainted.  It literally takes up half of our living room.  It's huge.  I have no clue where we are going to put it for now.  So, it's just chillin in our living room like we don't have any sense.  When it gets warm enough...it's going outside!  It's pretty much da bomb diggity, though.
Carter is putting on weight so well right now.  He is eating like a pig and really starting to fill out, especially in the chest area.  He does not seem to be getting any taller, though.  With a short daddy and a short momma....he is destined to be short.  I just believe that with his next check up his weight percentile will spike and his length will go down significantly unless he just shoots up the next couple months.  But to me, he is perfect no matter what!  Short people are pretty awesome with their big personalities! ;)
Carter has become quite the little chatterbox.  Not with actual words....it's mostly nonsense...but man he is making some noise!  He is coming out of his little shell and giving out hugs left and right to people and it just warms my heart.  He is changing in a lot of ways for the better.
When it comes to that little boy, love is seriously not a strong enough word.

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