Friday, February 22, 2013

Birthday Weekend

Well, it was rainy yesterday and pretty slow at the hotel.  So I was just sitting at home, on the couch, yesterday morning and found myself walking to the front door, getting in my car, and driving to the Home Improvement store.  (I had no prior plans of doing this).  I picked out colors for Carter's room, on a whim, and bought all painting material that I needed.  The colors that I picked out for two walls are navy blue and the other two walls are gray.  It looks really good together.  It didn't take as long as I thought to paint since Nick decided he wanted to help some.  Anyways, with my mom's help this morning I finally managed to get Carter's whole room done.  Thank God!!  So glad it's done with and over.  We moved Carter's mattress into our room and that's where he slept last night and he's going to be there again tonight.  I only took one picture so here is a sneak peek.  I'll post the rest of the room later.  But I gotta say...his room is pretty cool.  I can't wait to see the look on his face.

And there is a whole lot more awesomeness on the other walls.  That's a pretty big honkin truck, right??!!  There are a couple things, such as a wood burning of a monster truck, and letters of his name that I am painting for the walls, but that's easy stuff.  It also seems that Carter will be getting a new dresser and night stand to go in his room, thanks to my mom.  The dresser that I have in his room now is from when I was little.  The drawers are not even on their tracks anymore.  Yikes.  My parents got their money out of it, that's for sure!
We are going to spend the weekend in Conway and see several friends tomorrow.  It's always weird for me to go to Conway, since that was my home for 2 years.  Man, that place is growing!  Don't get me wrong, I don't miss it ONE BIT, but it's always nice going for a visit.  Small towns are definitely my speed.
My Nephew, Nolan, is going to be 2 Sunday.  Where the HECK has the time gone?? It all happens way too fast and I'm not liking it one bit.  Nolan is such a sweet and outgoing little boy.  He is so precious and so special.  I sure do wish that he and Carter could be around each other more and, just maybe, his outgoing-ness would rub off on my little monster.  He has the best arm that I have ever seen on a 1 year old so when he makes it to the Major Leagues, he better remember me!!  I love that boy!  Can't wait to party like a rockstar Sunday!
Hope everyone has an awesome weekend!! 
 Happy Friday!

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