Monday, October 29, 2012


I have decided to start taking more pictures than what I have been.  This is going to be short and sweet.  Just wanted to share some pictures of my sweet and handsome boy from this weekend.  Hope you enjoy.

Sweet tea anyone?

Pouring Aunt Casey some tea

He loves his Nana

Finally cold enough to break out the footed pajamas that my Mia got me!

Ready to go see Mrs. Lisa, Ava, and Lane this morning.  It's been too long!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Yesterday and this morning has been a better day with Carter.  He slept all night in his bed last night by himself and that was a HUGE help to me.  He still has his moments that one little thing can set him off and he just decides to go off on everyone within a 10 foot radius of him but at least it's not all day like it was.  Still no appetite....right when his weight started to spike, somewhat, he decides he don't need food for survive.  When all else fails.....cheerios and raisens always come to my rescue.

He loves crashing his trucks, cars, tractors....anything on wheels.  He rolls them off the couch and watches them roll.  Every time he does that I yell CRASH!!  He said crash last night twice for the first time after he sent them rolling.  He should be able to say it by now!!  He has only heard me say it about a million times.  Then when it was time to go to bed I said tell Daddy night night (like I do every night).  He said night night!  Go on with ya bad self, Carter!!  I love hearing his little voice.  Music to my ears.  So, it's coming slowly....but he's catching on!  Now I just wish he would say words on a regular basis instead of every now and then.  Then I would really be a happy mommy!!

Today at 2:00 we are celebrating Craig's birthday.  You better believe that I am going to chow down on something sweet.  Diet goes completely out the window today.  It's okay though because tomorrow is Monday and I always start over on Monday's. :)

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Cranky Carter

Having to get up at 4:45 a.m. to be at work on a Saturday is for the birds.  I hate that I had to leave my boy with him being sick and all.  AGAIN!!  102 fever, no appetite, cranky....the usual.  I swear he is allergic to the weekends.  I took him to the doctor yesterday and everything looked okay so like always, he said it is a virus and he has been seeing kids with it all day.  If there is a virus within 20 miles of Carter, he will get it. 

For two days now, Carter has been the crankiest kid on the planet, and that is so unlike him.  If someone looked at him the wrong way he was crying.  If I offered him a snack he was crying.  If I tried to pick him up he was crying.  If I left him alone he was crying.  There was nothing that I could do to change his mood.  There was a time that I almost got in the floor and cried with him.  Finally, yesterday evening, I pulled him across the floor while he sat in a cardboard box in the kitchen, while making trucks sounds, and that got some smiles.  So, hopefully today will be a better day for him and for the sake of me not pulling my hair out.  He did not have fever at all last night and he slept really well.  So, come on 2:00!!!  I need to take care of my boy!

I have been coughing my head off for 3 days now and it's really starting to get on my nerves.  My stomach muscles are sore from tightening up every time I cough.  A six pack would be nice but I don't want one that bad!  So I have been sucking on cough drops like they are going out of style and I have just about used a whole bottle of Vick's vapor rub.

Please rest of the weekend, be good to us!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

18 Months

My baby boy is 18 months old.  So not a baby anymore.  His smile still melts my heart just like it did when he smiled for the first time when he was 4 days old.  I honestly hate that he is growing up.  I like him being totally innocent and loving to love on me and be with me.  I'm just not sure how much longer I will have until he no longer wants to be with me.  I love giving him his baths, dressing him, putting his shoes on for him, ect.  The list could go on and on and I know that all too soon he will be able to do that for himself.  I know that one day I will miss changing diapers on his cute little tooshie.  I love you to the moon sweet boy of mine!


On to the stats of my big boy:

-Weight-23 lbs. 11 oz. 20%
-Height-32 3/4 inches 70%
-Head -18 3/4 inches 45%

Carter's doctor did a happy dance that is weight has come up.  It went from 5% to 20% in only a couple months.  THANK THE GOOD LORD ABOVE!  Now if we can just keep this up.  He was not worried about his height since it has always been there but the weight we were.

The times that Carter wakes up screaming in the middle of the night and during naps are caused by night terrors.  He said the biggest reason why kids have them is because they get overtired.  That is very possible with Carter since he usually only gets one nap, usually about 2 hours, a day and that's it.   Then we can't get him to bed any earlier than 9:30! Yes, he needs much more sleep than that.  It's something we are really going to work on!

He was okay with how many words he can say and very happy with all that he understands. I mean yes he wished he was saying more but not worried about it yet.  But it seems that he is learning a new word a week and I only hope it becomes a new word every other day.  He had one of his trucks books so the doctor got to hear him say truck about 30 times.  Then before he left Carter waved bye bye to him and shook his hand.  Then the mean nurse came in with her mean needle and he got the mean Flu shot.  He cried for a short time, then saw a truck outside the window and yelled truck....of course.

On a totally different note

AD and I ran over 5 miles yesterday in town.  WE. ARE. BEASTS.  Up and down hills without stopping.  Yes, we rock.  We know.

Monday, October 22, 2012

I know that I am way late on getting on board with Pinterest, but I am now officially obsessed.  I got to be honest though, I really thought all of you that kept posting about Pinterest needed to seriously get a life.  So, I am apologizing deep from the bottom of my heart.  I really am.  Because I am now a Pinterest Goo Roo!  I love it!!  My husband even thinks it's pretty neat.  I have already tried like 7 things off of it.  Well really 9 things but 2 of them were not successful.  Let's start with the successful things.  First I tried these really cool banana, yogurt, and peanut butter treats.  They are really good and a very quick tasty snack when I am tempted to go for some chips.  I won't go into detail on how to make them, you can look it up, but here is my ending product.  It's no near as pretty as the ones on Pinterest.  After you are done, you freeze them and put them in a Ziploc baggy.  So good!

The next thing I tried is washing my hair with beer and baking soda.  Whhhaaaat???  Shut the front door!!  My hair feels like new hair!  It is wonderful.  But you have been warned--don't do it right before you go out in public unless you want to smell like a brewery.  But do won't be disappointed.

Third thing I tried was cleaning my microwave with 1 cup of hot water and 1 cup of vinegar. You put those two ingredients in a cup and heat in microwave for 10 minutes.  Then when it is done the yucky stuff comes off in one swipe with a paper towel.  Works like a charm.

Fourth and fifth things that I tried was with my BFF, Holli, Saturday.  These were her finds.  First she cut the insides out of the strawberries, we melted the dark chocolate chips in the microwave, then spooned  the chocolate in the center of the strawberries with a spoon.  Less of a mess and oh so good.  It's pretty much like biting into small pieces of Heaven.  DO IT!!!  Again, Pinterest's strawberries looked lots prettier. But I can tell ya, my taste buds couldn't care less about what they looked like.

Not sure if these were Pinterest inspired or not but we also made some pepper thingy's with cream cheese, bacon, and pepperoni.  I had to leave before they cooked them so I didn't get to taste any but they looked amazing!!

Aside from Pinterest talk, I had a great time with Holli.  We got to catch up on so much and it was just what the doctor ordered for me.  I needed some Holli time.  Even if you don't know them, please pray for her Peepaw.  He is in the hospital with phenomnia and congestive heart failure.  Please please just take time and remember him in your prayers.  He is such a sweet and special man.

Moving right along.

I also made some Nutella cookies.  They were edible but not the best.  I don't recommend them.  If you do, eat them with milk!

The things that were not the least bit successful had to do with my hair.  Shocker!!  I tried a braid thing on the side of my head while my hair is looked like a 4 year old did it.  And then I tried to tease the back like the tutorial showed me and it looked like a rat lived in my hair.  God did not grant me with girly ways when it comes to hair and makeup.  I have accepted it and I am moving on!  I'm so over it!  I also don't see myself doing half of the crafts stuff that I repin but they are so cool and something my mom would do in a heart beat.  She is the crafts God.

The thing that I look at the most are the diet and fitness stuff.  It is very motivating and keeps me on track.  I also love the organization pins.

"We can build you a house and you can decorate it and put whatever you would like in it."  Said Nick never.  But if he did build me a house I would have the best looking house in all the land.  There are some great ideas.

AND I can wait until my next wedding.  It will be AMAZING!! ;)

My next project is......

Pretty cute, right?  

On to Carter

He has added shoes (choos) to his vocabulary and when I say chicken, he said chic.  Close enough.  He is more obsessed with his books and flash cards now then ever.  He is starting to point to pictures and say them and he loves for me to ask where things are so he can show off that the knows where they are.  After he points to one he looks at me and we can't move on until Nick and I clap for him.  His favorite book is the one with all the different vehicles in it.  He is obsessed with trucks, tractors, cars, and heavy machinery.  And he absolutely LOVES monster trucks.  He says dump truck or just truck about 100 times a day and that is no exaggeration.  One of his favorite things to do in the evening is ride down to the highway on the ranger and sit and look at all the vehicles go by and he says truck and car the whole time.  So can you guess what his theme for his 2nd birthday is going to be???  TRUCKS!!!

Something else that he does that he does----I bought him some number magnets for the fridge from Walmart.  He will get all of the 8's, 9's and 6's, and 3's and bring them in the living room.  He then seperates them in little piles. A little OCD maybe?  He will stand there and search until he has them all separated. It takes lots of concentration on his part and he will stick with it until it is done.  It's pretty interesting to watch.

He is also eating with a spoon by himself like a champ!

I think I have brain-washed my child.  I set down a bowl of tomatoes and a bowl of cookies in front of him just to see what he would do.  I was just curious.  He went straight for the tomatoes and ate them in about 30 seconds, then cried for more.  I tried to give him cookies and he threw an even bigger fit for more veggies.   

Well tomorrow is his 18th month check up.  I do think he is gaining a little weight but I don't see him getting any taller from the way his clothes are fitting.  I guess we will see tomorrow!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Awesome Week

I have had a week from you know where.  I don't even know where to start.

1.)  Nick left Thursday night to go to Colorado for his annual hunting trip.  No biggie.  I decided to put my big girl panties on and stay by myself, unlike every other hunting trip.  I usually go stay with my parents.  Carter had been sleeping all night long in his own bed for over a week.  So, of course the night Nick leaves, Carter decides to wake up like 5 times that night and ends up in the bed with me.  The same thing happened Friday night.  I was bound and determined that the next night would be better.  And I have learned just how much help Nick is to me.  You never know til they are gone.

2.)  My family reunion was Saturday afternoon.  That went great and everyone enjoyed themselves.  I got home after dark to find my front door standing wide open and all the lights on which in turn made a perfect little cozy home for every bug on the planet.  So the first thing that pops in my head is West Nile Disease.  I run in the house grabbed some clothes for me and Carter and ran out real quick.  As I was driving to my parent's house, I blamed the whole scenario on Nick.  First because he was gone.  And second because he was the child that bought the little basketball goal, that wedghes between the door and jam, so he could play at night and watch tv at the same time.  That, in turn, requires the door to be shut harder than normal.  So it's his fault, true?

3.)  My dad had back surgery yesterday.  We were all nervous to begin with so Nana, Aunt Gloria, Mom, and I went up there to sit and be with him.  We had to wait on the dr. for two hours to get finished with the surgery that was before dad's.  That made us really uneasy.  After he finally went in for surgery Mom sent me, Nana, and Aunt Gloria to get dad a couple things--one being house shoes.  No one knew where the Walmart was in Hot Springs so we stopped at TJ Maxx.  No house shoes.  But I did manage to find some really nice and cheap Nike pants for Carter.  When we went back to my car to go somewhere else, I discovered that my keys were missing......locked inside the car.  So I looked under my car for my spare and remembered that I had just done this last week and my spare was inside the car as well.  I thought, no big deal, I got OnStar.  So I call the delightful people at OnStar and I never activated an account and they could not unlock my car.  This is when I started to get a little agitated.  I had to call roadside assistance.  Thankfully the guy that was coming to our rescue was about a mile away from us unlocking another women's car and he said he would not be long at all..  So I called in our lunch at The Purple Cow.  I got us all burgers, fries, and diet cokes.  About 1 1/2 hours later the unlock dude came.  Long story short--it took him a whole hour to unlock my tahoe.  Then he asked for 67.00 bucks for doing that.  About 20 minutes before he was done Mom called and said Dad was out of surgery and everything went well.  So we were not there for my mom in the waiting room.  Poor thing.  So after my Nana yelled at the poor guy we were on our way to The Purple Cow where we got our cold burgers, watered down cokes, and fries which was 50.00.  While we were waiting for the unlock dude Nana had to walk to Famous Footwear to get some 40 dollar house shoes.  So 67.00 + 50.00 + 40.00= some really expensive house shoes!!!!!!  Again, I blame this scenario on Nick for not reminding me to put my spare key back under my car.  He knew better!

4.)  On our way home from Hot Springs, my Nana just had to have a cup of coffee and I decided on a vanilla icecream cone from Sonic.  After we got our order, I was pulling out and hit a huge curb on the side of the road and my icecream fell upside down in my floor board and Nana's coffee went everywhere.  My nerves were shot by this time.  I blame the scenario on Sonic!  Who puts a curb where people pull out?!?  Seriously.

So as you can see none of this was my fault....I was just the victim

Needless to say, Nick is a vital part of my well being and I am so glad that he is coming home today....And Friday needs to hurry up and get here!

My sweet husband did send me a surprise package while he was gone----some really really cute black leather winter boots.  They are glorious and I gotta say he has some good taste.

On a very good note, my dad is doing great.  He has kept food down this morning and he has walked around.  He is sore but that's normal.  He will get to come home tomorrow.  I can't wait until he has made a full recovery.

I have more but I don't want to make this too long.  So til next time...

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Black Dagger Brotherhood Series.....READ IT!!  The books have consumed me!  Yes, they are vampire books but so nothing like Twilight or anything like that.  It's so much more than that.  It literally brings out every emotion that you can think of out of you.  You will not be disappointed.  I promise!  For the love of a good read, just read it.  I believe that I have fallen in love with every male vampire that I have met through these books.  They can take my vein any day!! ;)  I think right now there are 6 books out and I am on the last book.  I do believe that she is still writing and there will be more.  Every book is awesome.

Moving right along.

We are all good!  We have gotten on a pretty great routine around here.  My awesome child has slept all night long for a solid week now.  That, in itself, is a miracle.  I think I have mentioned before that he is a totally different child, but it's even more evident now then ever before.  Mrs. Lisa is loving it!  She gets hugs from Carter pretty often now.  He is also very vocal!  He throws a real word in there every now and then but it's usually nonsense.  He tries so hard to mimic words that we say to him and he usually gets the first letter right but when he tries to say the whole word you never know what will come out.  He goes to sleep saying "the truck" and right when he wakes up he says "the truck".  It amazes me how much he truly understands that we say.  I can say, "let's put your shoes on," and he will bring me his shoes and sit down in front of me so I can put them on him.  He has toys in his bath that sticks to the wall and I can say, "stick your fish on the wall," and he will grab his fish and stick it on the wall.  I think it's only a matter of days until he really goes to making sense with words. 

He has really come out of his shell.  We have never been able to drop him off in the nursery at church without him crying the entire time, but Sunday he cried for maybe a minute and he was up and playing.  It really gives this mom a peace like no other.  So as many things as I can take him to out in public, that's what I am going to do.

So, as you can see things are really starting to come together for my boy.  I can see the light bulb in his head coming on quite often here lately.

He is taking a break from meat here recently--which I don't like.  He can put away some fruit and veggies, though, which is the most important part.  He is getting lots of protein from his milk and numerous other foods so it's not the end of the world, but I do hope this is a very short phase.  The only meat that he loves consistently is fish sticks, shrimp, and salmon.  But I can only give those to him once or twice a week because of mercury levels....or so I've read.

I have been pretty lazy with the pictures as you can probably tell.  So I have really got to get with the program on that.

AD and I ran 3 miles yesterday for our short run and today will be our long run.  We are shooting for 5 miles but if it turns out to be more then so be it!  But before that we are meeting at the gym for a little arm weight training.  The scales don't say that I am losing any weight but my clothes are starting to fit differently.  That's all I want is to fit in my pre-pregnancy clothes. But I have learned that there are a lot more important things in life then being thin.  It's crazy how having Carter has really changed my view on a lot of things in life.  Yes, I exercise for weight management, but I am also a happier person when I am working out.  I have less stress in my life and more self confidence.  Plus, I have made a best friend in the process!

Anywho, that's all I got today.  Until I write again....

Friday, October 5, 2012

Breast Cancer Awareness

Well, today was Go Pink for a Cure day in Arkansas and I got to be honest....I really think that Nashville did a very poor job showing support for this cause and for the women that we know and love that have battled this deadly disease!  I know that people have jobs and some of them could not just leave and take off work to be there for the event but I also know of lots of people that could have and chose not to.  Lots of time and money went in for the event and lots of stuff went to total waste.  I really hate it for the ones that worked really hard making stuff for the bake sale, ordering hats and t-shirts, and other various items.  But for the people that did show up.....A HUGE THANK YOU!!  It was very touching.  And for those of you that stepped outside their businesses on Main Street and clapped and showed support while wearing pink....YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME! Yes, there are lots of people that are doing other things to raise money for breast cancer and that is so awesome!! Please continue to do so   1 out of every 8 women develop some form of breast cancer each year.  So next time you choose not to be a part of it just think that it could be you, your daughter, mother, sister, granddaughter, or grandmother someday.  Don't you want to help find a cure for this nasty disease as quickly as possible?  Not trying to step on anyones toes, but that's how I feel and I think we could do a better job as a community.  There are so many heart wrenching stories that I have heard from some of these women and the things that they have been through.  They are just very thankful to still be breathing and watching their families grow.  And we can't take an hour out of our year/month/day to honor them?  Pitiful.

Anyways, enough about my ranting and raving.  Carter went a good 20 hours with no fever and when he woke up this morning he decided start with the fever business again.  So instead of going to Lisa's, like planned, he got to hang out with me.  We marched for breast cancer awareness and then went home and he crashed.  He seemed so much happier outside than in the house so I figured some fresh air would do him some good.  He really enjoyed it and was in a good mood.

But I had to leave him with my mom at 2:00 while I work the night shift tonight.  So I am holding down the hotel til' midnight tonight.  Fun, Fun!  I so wish I could be with Carter and take him to the homecoming parade and to the game, but no such luck.  Duty calls.  He and Nick should have a great time tonight.

I am so upset about something.  My e-reader died on me!!  I am completely lost without my books!!  I am now having to convert back to paper back books and it's annoying, to say the least.  But, that seems like a great (early) Christmas present my sweet husband can get me.

I can't think of anything that may be of interest to you so I will stop there.  Thanks for reading.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012


Not to start off a blog by bragging buuuuuttttt.......AD and I ran 5 miles without stopping yesterday.  And today we ran about 3 miles for the sake of not doing too much.  I just can't tell you how far along we have come in such a short time.  I think we have been running for about a month, maybe a little longer, and it was not long ago that we dreaded a 5 minute run without stopping.  But now, yes, we are pretty awesome.  We actually started yesterday shooting for doing a little more than 3 miles and we just kept going and going.  We are so proud of us!!  We are going to murder that 5k next month!!

Anywho.  Carter is getting somewhat more vocal.  Still not where I want him to be for his age but it's improving.  He can now say daddy, truck, tractor, juice, cookie, car, ball, kick, kitty, and dog.  He only says them when he absolutely wants to--not on command.  He still has not said mommy--go figure.  The one that feeds, bathes, buys clothes , and puts him to bed.  I know he knows what everything means though, so he will start talking in his own good time.  We ask him where objects are and he always points at the right things and he can follow simple commands for the most part.

He weighs about 23 pounds, has 13 teeth, and his hair is starting to thicken up.  He is wearing 18 month shirts and 12-18 month pants.  Size 5 shoe.  He sleeps all night long about 3 out of 5 nights.  I can live with that.

We are trying to stop him from whining for things and throwing fits when he don't get his way.  And for the most part it is working really well.  Once we say no, we don't give in no matter what.  He knows when we say no, we mean it.  I'm sure it will change real quick once he gets closer to the terrible two's stage, but he really don't test us.

We are also starting to put away our toys before we go to bed every night and he knows they go in his toy chest.  And when I say it's time for bed, he leads me into his room, crawls up in his bed by himself, lays down, and waits for his milk to be given to him.  Where it used to take about an hour to lay with him and get him to sleep, it now takes anywhere from 5 to 10 minutes.  I give all of this credit to Mrs. Lisa. 

Socially he is a different child.  He still has room for improvement in that area but Mrs. Lisa has done so much for him.  The best decision I have ever made was taking him to her.  Yes, Nick and I could easily work our schedules out to where we didn't have to take him to her but we would be doing Carter an injustice.  She makes him behave, feeds him very well, gets him on a good schedule, and teaches him things.  She is amazing!!  He used to hide from everyone that looked at him and now he is running up to people and shaking their hand with a huge smile on his face.  He also loves to share his food with anyone and everyone.  All the credit goes to her.  And knowing that she genuinly cares about the kids that she watches is such a great feeling.

I had to pick him up a little early today because he was running 102.5 fever.  For the most part he is playing and not being too needy, but I'm thinking we are in for a long night tonight.  I sure hope not!

My house is still organized and I have gotten on a pretty good cleaning schedule.  It's so great having all the laundry done every night and having all the closets organized so I know exactly where everything is.  Such a great feeling.  I have even found time to start painting my laundry room.  I can't take all the credit.  Nick is really starting to do his part by helping me.  After Carter goes to bed we fold and put up laundry together.  He always tackles the socks...which is the worst part.  Now if I could just keep my tahoe cleaned on a regular basis and eat right I would have it going on!!

Tonight is a frozen lasagna night.  Easy peezy!

Anyways, the sick little boy is calling.  Ta Ta!!