Thursday, June 14, 2012

Mr. Attitude

Yesterday Nick and I went to Texarkana to pick out some new blinds for the house and danishes for the hotel.  We also bought Father's Day presents for my dad, his dad, and him.  It's just better for us to pick out our own presents.  Carter did really good....for the most part.  As long as there were snacks and juice available he was ok.  But right when he ran out he got ticked off and let all of Home Depot know about it.  He sure did have himself a little attitude yesterday.  And in the Car....if Mickey Mouse Clubhouse was not on he was growling and pointing at the tv until it was.  Nick has spoiled him into thinking he can watch tv every second in the car....I am not happy about this.  I missed my workout yesterday and I HATE that!!!  I am really enjoying working out.  We are starting to do a lot more cardio along with weight training and it makes me feel so much better when we are done.

Besides that nothing much to report.  My show Dance Mom's has come back on.  It is the same drama over and over again but I love it.  I have fallen in love with some of the girls.

Carter is so close to being a full-time walker.  Yesterday he decided that he actually likes it better than crawling or even using his walker toy.  I guess I am going to have to start putting shoes back on his little feet so he can get used to them again.  It's funny how babies can just make their minds up about something and just go for it full force.

On a very bad note...Carter is hating bed time now.  If it was up to him he would play all night long.  I don't understand how he goes for so long.  At 10:00 he is still going like he just drank a Red Bull.  It don't matter if he has had only one nap that day or not one at all he will not go to bed any earlier than 10:30.  I just don't know what to do with him.  Right when I pick him up and head to his room he starts kicking and screaming because he knows it's bedtime.  I think I just may start doing that around 9:00.  10:30 is just way to late for him.  I'll show him who's boss and that will really give him something to kick and scream about.

Carter has his GI appointment for his constipation Monday at Children's.  I soooo can't wait to get that over with.

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