Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Sweet Summer Time

I don't even know where to start.  It seems like we have been all over the place.  Last week Carter and I snuck off to have a mini vacation with my parents in Hot Springs.  We left Nick to man the house and get all the work done.  Poor guy.  We left Thursday around 10:00 and got to Hot Springs just in time for lunch.  I didn't pack any food for Carter so he ate off the menu like a big boy and did really good.  After lunch we went to our suite at the Arlington so Carter (and I) could take a long nap.  After waking up we decided to take him to the aquarium right beside the hotel.  Carter loved it!!  He loves anything in a fish tank!  He also enjoys hearing himself say fish.

We have also been spending a lot of time in the water.  We rode the Ducks in Hot Springs, went to the lake and rode Aunt Toshya and Uncle Craig's boat, and we have been to the water park in Murfreesboro.
Carter and Ava!

Carter is not running yet, but he sure is walking with some speed and walking really well.  He is a full time walker now...never crawls anymore.  I just started putting shoes on him last week and they have not slown him down a bit.  I actually think he has better balance with them on.  He has another tooth barely poking through which brings him to having 7 teeth now. 

He is still going to bed around 10:00 but he wakes up around 9 or 9:30 every morning.  We have tried until we are blue in the face to get him to go to bed earlier.  We are still going to keep trying to make him, though.  He sure is smiling a whole lot these days and it's not very hard to please him.  We have not had to have an attitude adjustment in a very long time.

My son is officially darker than I am.  That's not saying much because I am not that dark but I'm jealous that his skin darkens so quickly.  Just like his Daddy!!

Speaking of Daddy....Carter is really enjoying being thrown around by him.  Nick will throw him in the air and make him do a flip.  He throws him pretty high and it scares me to death but Carter loves it so much!!

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